2/20/2010 bronx box 2851 All Hands 10-45 N/C

Aug 31, 2009
All Hands for box 2851 1836 Watson Ave
Batt-18 Req x-tra Eng & Trk  Possible jumpers
Can anyone provide a rundown please?
SQ 61 only respondes as an Engine to its assigned 3rd due boxes. It will not fill in as an assigned 3rd due engine if other engines are not available.
turk132 said:
SQ 61 only respondes as an Engine to its assigned 3rd due boxes. It will not fill in as an assigned 3rd due engine if other engines are not available.
Thanks, better answer ;)
E64 E90 TL54 L47 BC18 E45

*E96 became avail from an ems box

Box loaded due to report of jumers and people trapped

10-75 E94 TL58F SQ61 R3 BC3

not sure who the extra eng & Trk were
maybe E82 and L48