2/24/08 Queens 2nd Alarm Box 6059

Feb 3, 2008
2/24/08- Around 16:06 hrs - BOX 6059 - 104-33 124 ST + Liberty Ave - 107 Ave

Fire in a private dwelling - CIDS: PD 2 1/2 STY 20X40 CLS 3 - WINDOW BARS 1ST FL

16:06 - E285 10-75 FIRE IN ATTICK

BC50 - SQ270 E285 E294 E298 TL142 L151 acting 126 BC39 RESCUE 4 E273act.E303 
- L126 for window bars

16:08 - BC50 Using all hands
        - "Div 13 urgent - transmit a 10-70, no water"

16:09 - Div 13 - "Transmit a second alarm please."
            Fires in the attick 2 1/2 sty occupied 20x40 peak roof, fire extended into
            exposure 4-a similar detached. 1 is a st, 2 similar attached, 3 rear yard, 4
            is a similar detached. 2 L/S/O trucks opening up, fires doubtul

E275 E331 E305 TL155/L125 BC54 (saftey) E324/Sat 4  Tac 2 Saftey Batt 1, Rescue Batt 1
E225 FC1 BC52 (RUL)

16:19 - Div 13 - Fires in the attick dark. down, exposure 4 is dark. down, still doubtful.

16:18 - DIV 13 - All secondary searches are negative - DWH. All special 2nd alarm units
                      can 10-2

16:22 - DIV 13 - Primary searches and sec searches thru out negative. Prim and sec in
                      exposure  4 are negative. 10-41-1, PWH

16:24 - DIV 13 - "By orders od Deputey Chief DiDeminico - return all 2nd alarm units, 10-41-1
                      due to heavy volume of fire on arrival with no apparent cause."

16:24 - DIV 13 - "By orders of Deputey Chief DiDeminico, under control, second. searches
                        except attick are negative.  DUR 30 MIN