3/14/09 Manhattan Box 1626 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Upper Harlem, Manhattan, NY, 3/14/09

Address: 211 W145 St between Powell and Douglas Blvds.

22:24 hours
Phone Box 1626 - Multiple calls for a structural fire
Engs. 69, 89, 84, 59
L28, L34
Battalion 16
Rescue 3
Squad 41

CIDs for 205 W145 st (adjacent address):
MD 6 story 50x50 class 3.  Entrance leads to 4 basement apartments only.  Apartments above are part of 203 or 211 W145 st.

22:29 hours
Battalion 16: At Box 1626 we're using 2 and 2 for a compactor fire, have PD respond to shut down the block.

22:29 hours
BC16: Box 1626, 100x100 MD H-type.  1 line stretched, 1 in operation.

Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - similar attached
3 - unknown
4 - similar attached

22:31 hours
Rescue 3 is 10-8

7-5-1626 - 22:36 hours
BC16: 1626 we're going to make this an All-Hands, Under Control.