3/18/09 Manhattan Box 430 - 10-75

Nov 27, 2007
Lower East Side, Manhattan, NY, 3/18/09

17:22 hours
Phone Box 430 - Report of smoke in the area of E6 st between 2nd and 3rd aves
Engs. 33, 5
TL9, L11
Battalion 6

17:22 hours
Receiving 5th street between 2nd and 3rd.

17:24 hours
TL9: Advise incoming units it smells like an oil burner.

10-75-430 - 17:29 hours
Battalion 6: 10-75 the box, building's on 5th street, no address yet, looks like they have a bulkhead on fire
Engs. 28, 55
L20 is the FAST Truck
Battalion 2
Squad 18
Rescue 1
Division 1

17:31 hours
BC6: It's a 6 story building, address is 221 5th st.

17:36 hours
Box 430, we're going to go with 2 and 2, we've got 1 precautionary line stretched to the roof.  We had roofing material set off by a barbecue, you can return the All-Hands Chief, Rescue, and fire is Probably Will Hold.

Fire Building Height/Size-up:
6 story 40x80 class 3 OMD
Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - 5 story attached
3 - unknown
4 - 5 story attached

17:39 hours - Duration 22 minutes
DC1: Primaries on the 6th, top floor are negative, all visible fire has been extinguished, fire is Under Control.