3-2-09 Va. Beach, Va. 2nd alarm with S/C, Commercial Structure

Apr 9, 2007
4815 Virginia Beach Blvd.
Between: Kellam Rd. & Horace Ave.
Fire in a Commercial Structure

0123: E7, E9, E2, L9, TL2, Squad10, Bat2

0126: Numerous calls

0128: Bat2 "working fire! transmit a 2nd alarm!"

0128: E16, E20, E18, E10, TL16, Safety1, Support8, Command1, Bat3, Bat1, Squad3, Car5 (Working Fire response + 2nd Alarm)

0133: Bat8 (Chief of Training)

0134: Bat2 "in command, defensive operation, we've had a total collapse of the building"

0135: Car2 (Chief of Operations)

0140: Car1 (Chief of Department)

0147: TL8 special called

0158: Investigator2

0211: FireMarshal2, Inspector7. E14, E8 special called

0212: Car6, "command is requesting another Ladder"

0213: L21 special called

0237: Car5 DC Wade has command

0243: Car5 DC Wade "under control, defensive operations continuing, fire confined to building of origin. Exp A: street, Exp B: street, Exp C: similar attached, Exp D: similar attached. Multiple handlines & Ladders in operation.

0327: Car5 DC Wade " respond Va. Power, power line down @ pole number OG72"

0443: Car5 DC Wade "Bat2 now has command"

0509: Bat2 "all searches were negative/complete with exception of the collapse zone."

0631: Bat2 "respond Forensics Services Unit"

0800: Inspector1 & 10

1146: Bat12 (PIO)

1719: run closed out
