3/21/09 Manhattan Box 73 - All Hands

Financial District, Manhattan, NY, 3/21/09

Address: 85 John St between Gold and William Sts

23:01 hours
Box 73
Engs. 6, 4, 10
L10, TL15
Battalion 1

10-75-73 - 23:06 hours
"Battalion 1 to Manhattan, Urgent!  10-75 the box!"
TL1 is the FAST Truck
Rescue 1
Squad 18
Division 1

23:07 hours
BC1: The "B" will be the Attack Stair

CIDs for 85 John St:
MD 17 story 85x140 class 1.  Floors 2 through 15 sprinklered.  Penthouse apartment 15th floor.  Sprinkler: B stair.  Parking garage on 1st floor and cellar.  Sprinkler alarm panel in cellar office.

7-5-73 - 23:13 hours
BC1: Fire has been knocked down, primary search on the fire floor and fire apartment are negative.  We're using All-Hands

23:18 hours - Duration 19 minutes
Division 1: Box 73, we had a fire in apartment 11H, it has been knocked down.  Primary searches in the fire apartment and floor above are negative.  Stairwells are in the process of being searched, and we'll place this Probably Will Hold.  You can 10-2 Rescue.
Rescue 1 is 10-8

23:23 hours
RAC1 is 10-8

23:24 hours
E240 is 10-8 in E4's response area

23:25 hours - Duration 25 minutes
DC1: At box 73, secondary searches in the fire apartment are negative, in the floor above are negative, secondaries in the stairwells and floors above are in progress.  We're going to release E7 and TL1.

23:25 hours
E1 is 10-8 in E7's response area

23:26 hours - Duration 27 minutes
DC1: Box 73, all stairwells searches are negative, secondaries on all floors are negative, we're going to go Under Control.
Officially they are, but they and the other "semi-closed" companies operate and are relocated for when staffing is available.  A wild guess but I bet E4 and TL53 get staffed ahead of the other two engines.
See... It show that the downtown area will be hurting if the close Engine 4