3/8/11 Manhattan Box 866 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
West Midtown, Manhattan, NY, 3/8/11

Address: 332 West 51 st between 8th and 9th Aves

07:39 hours
Phone Box 866 - Report of fire in a multiple dwelling
Engs. 54, 23, 65
L4, TL21
Battalion 9
Rescue 1

07:41 hours
Receiving multiple calls for fire and smoke on the 5th, 3rd, and 4th floors.

10-75-866 - 07:45 hours
Battalion 9: 10-75 the Box, we have fire on the 5th floor, mattress, sprinklers have activated.  We have 1 line stretched.  We'll go with a 5 story 30x50.  Exposure 1 is a street, exposure 2 is a similar, exposure 3 is unknown, exposure 4 is an alley and parking lot.
TL35 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 8
Division 3
Squad 18

07:45 hours
BC9: Line has been charged, we're putting water on the fire at this time

CIDS for 332 West 51 st:
SRO 5-story 30x90 multiple dwelling class 3. Fully sprinklered. No standpipe.  Long stretched.  Front and rear fire escape.  Access to 330 West 51 st via roof.  Exposure 2 - narrow open shaft.  Exposure 4 - lot.  Boiler also serves SRO in 330 West 51 st.

07:51 hours
BC9: Fire has been knocked down, primary in the fire apartment is negative, primary on the rest of the fire floor is in progress.  Fire's still Doubtful.

7-5-886 - 07:53 hours

07:55 hours - Duration 16 minutes
BC9: Primary on the fire floor is negative.

07:56 hours - Duration 17 minutes
Division 3: We will go Probably Will Hold at this time, primaries are negative throughout at this time, that includes the fire floor and floors above.

07:59 hours - Duration 21 minutes
DC3: Box 866, we will go Under Control.  Secondaries are negative on the fire floor and floor above, k.  Units will go 10-8 as they become available, Division 3 is 10-8, Battalion 9 will be your Incident Commander.

E74/54, E5/65, BC1/9