4/12/11 Manhattan Box 1141 - 10-77

Nov 27, 2007
Upper East Side, Manhattan, NY, 4/12/11

Address: 1100 Madison Ave between East 82 and 83 sts

09:29 hours
Phone Box 1141 - Report of fire in a multiple dwelling
Engs. 44, 39, 53
TL13, L16
Battalion 10

10-75-1141 - 09:31 hours
L43 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 11
Division 3
Squad 41

09:32 hours
Battalion 10: Building looks like a 10 story fireproof, fire's on the 5th floor, I get back to you with particulars.

7-5-1141 - 09:35 hours - Duration 10 minutes
BC10: Box 1141, at this time we're using All-Hands, we have a 10-75 on the 5th floor of a 10 story fireproof multiple dwelling, commercial occupancy on the 1st floor, 150x25.  Exposure 1 is Madison Ave, exposure 2 is East 82 st, exposure 3 is unknown at this time, exposure 4 is East 83 st.  Units in process of stretching the first line, trucks in the process of opening up.

09:36 hours
BC10: Box 1141, we have no designation on the attack stair, they are mislabeled.

10-77-1141 - 09:39 hours
E23 (High Rise-Nozzle Co.)
E58 (CFRD Engine)
E91 w/ High-Rise 2 (Ventilation Support Co.)
L25, L26
Battalions 12, Rescue, Safety
Battalion 2 acting 9 (Safety Officer)
FieldCom 1, Command Tactical Unit

09:41 hours
BC10: 1141, we have water in the line, it's going on the fire.

09:44 hours - Duration 19 minutes
Division 3: we have water on the fire, fire is darkening down, searches in progress, also primaries in progress, still Doubtful.

09:45 hours - Duration 20 minutes
DC3: Primary in the fire apartment is negative.

09:47 hours
DC3: Please return Rescue Battalion, High-Rise Nozzle, and any other special units coming in on the Box.

09:49 hours
DC3: We have 2 buses on the scene, can you send 2 additional buses.

09:50 hours - Duration 25 minutes
DC3: Primary searches from the fire floor, 6 through 10 are negative, also both staircases are negative.

09:51 hours - Duration 26 minutes
DC3: Probably Will Hold at this time.

09:55 hours - Duration 30 minutes
DC3: Secondary in the fire apartment is negative.  UC att.  Secondary searches on the floors above in progress. Any unit not on scene, turn them around.

09:57 hours
DC3: There's going to be 1 10-45 code 3 (Yellow Tag, Delayed)