4-22-09 Va. Beach, Va. Working Fire in a Multiple Dwelling

Apr 9, 2007
1301 Riverfront Ct.
Near: Treetop Dr.
Fire in a Multiple Dwelling

2107: E11, E14, E12, L11, TL8, Sq3, Bat1

2113: Now reported to be a shed attached to a M/D

2115: Bat1 "working fire, 3 story multiple dwelling w/ attached shed"

2115: E8, Safety1, Bat3, Car6, Support8

2125: Bat1 "under control, primary negative, 1 line in operation. Exp A: street, Exp B: similar attached, Exp C: yard, Exp D: similar attached, respond an Investigator"

2126: Investigator1

2144: Investigator3

2145: Bat1 "secondary negative on all floors, fire out"

2156: Investigator3 "respond Forensics"

2223: Bat1 "command terminated"

2337: run closed out
