4/6/2016 Manhattan 2nd Alarm 10-77 Box 1034

Oct 17, 2013
Address: 740 Park Avenue - at East 71 Street

Fire on the 7th floor of a 19 story 100x220 MD.

1503 - Bn. 10 - Transmit the 10-75.

L-2 FAST - E-23 4th Engine

1504 - Bn. 10 - All Hands - Fire in Apt. 6B. Stretching a line, trucks are opening up.

1507 - Div. 3 - Transmit the 10-77.

1510 - Bn. 10 - Attack stair "A". 1 L/S/O.

1522 - Div. 3 - Special call an additional Truck (L-4).

1529 - Div. 3 - The A and B stairs have been searched from the fire floor to the roof and are negative. MBFKD. We still have a heavy smoke condition. Send me an additional Truck (TL-35).

1533 - Div. 3 - We still have a heavy smoke condition. Transmit a 2nd Alarm.

1536 - Div. 3 - Searches in the fire apartment are underway and will be delayed due to the size of the apartment.

1538 - Div. 3 - Special call me a Truck on the 2nd Alarm (TL-163 act. TL-13).

1545 - FC - You can 10-2 the Air Recon Chief.

1554 - FC - per Div. 3 - Primaries are negative on the fire floor. Secondaries are in progress on the floors above. We still have a medium smoke condition. DWH

1609 - FC - We still have a light smoke condition on the upper floors, low CO readings. PWH - Duration 1 hour 16 minutes.

1629 - FC - Secondaries are complete and negative. Make this a 10-41 code 1, unable to determine a cause. Under Control - Duration 1 hour 36 minutes.

E-39, 44, 22, 23, 8 HRN, 74 CFRD
L-16, 13, 2F, 25, 43, 4 s/c, 35 s/c
B-10, 8, 9, 11 Safety
TL-23 Vent Support

2nd Alarm:
E-53, 65, 40, 54
L-163 act. 13 s/c
B-7 FF, 12 RUL, 33 Air Recon
Tac. 1, MSU
E-3 w/ High Rise 1
E-9 w/ Sat. 1
E-35 Communications

E-15 act. E-8
E-67 act. E-44
E-259 act. E-39
E-7 act. E-23
E-34 act. E-74
E-237 act. E-3
L-11 act. L-2
TL-163 act. TL-13
TL-54 act. TL-13
L-10 act. L-25
B-26 act. B-10
B-6 act. B-8
B-1 act. B-9
B-35 act. B-7
Apr 13, 2012
Building has the nickname of being the "richest apartment building in the world" based on who has lived there in the past. NBC article said families directly related to the Vanderbilts and Rockefellers. True or not, the apartment must be large if searches were delayed due to the "size of the apartment." Google the building and take a look at some of the floor plans, but beware: they'll make you jealous  :eek: