5/17/11 Brooklyn Box 735 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY, 5/17/11

Address: 379 Suydam Ave between Wyckoff and Irving Avs

06:47 hours
Phone Box 735 - Report of fire in a factory
Engs. 271, 218, 237
TL124, L112
Battalion 28

10-75-735 - 06:51 hours
L108 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 37
Division 11
Squad 252
Rescue 2

CIDS for 379 Suydam St:
Factory 1 story 100x100 class 3.  Hydrogen peroxide and acetic acids used.  Skylights on roof are tarred over.  No sprinkler center.  Walls divided.  Building opening in rear

7-5-735 - 06:55 hours
Battalion 28: Box 735, we have a fire in the ceiling in the rear of this 1 story occupied 100x100. Exposures are 1 is street, 2 is a 1-story garage, 3 is unknown, 4 is a 2-story frame, we're going to use All-Hands.  We have a 2 1/2 line stretched, we'll get back to you.

06:58 hours - Duration 13 minutes
BC28: At this time we still have 2 lines stretched, 1 in operation, primary searches being conducted, trucks are opening up, fire's stil Doubtful.

06:59 hours
BC28: Box 735, main body of fire has been knocked down, trucks are still opening up.

07:08 hours - Duration 24 minutes
Division 11: Box 735, secondaries are complete and negative throughout, k.

07:09 hours - Duration 24 minutes
DC11: Box 735, Probably Will Hold.

07:17 hours - Duration 33 minutes
DC11: 735 is Under Control.

Relocations: E234/277