5-26-09 Va. Beach, Va. Residential Alarm with a Fatality

Apr 9, 2007
Engine 21 was disptached alone for a residential alarm. They arrived with nothing showing. Once inside they discovered that there had been a fire in the building and the fire burned itself out. Amongst the burned kitchen area they found charred human remains.

The remains were of the 91 year old resident. The body was taken to the M.E. for positive I.D through dental records. Investigators determined that the resident's clothes caught fire while cooking.
Goes to show you in this Firefighting Business, you never know what to expect. How many times are bodies found in trunks of burned out cars. My brother who was on the job, tells me of a job where a burned body was found with a pair of scissors sticking out of the victims heart. I remember a call where the only thing in the house burned was a stuffed chair, some flooring and the victim, who was burned beyond recognition. How many times does a company show up with nothing showing, and as you open the door, you find it to be quite a different story, as you get blasted by the heat and smoke, especially now with thermal pane windows, and well insulated buildings. Even a somewhat routine call requires you to be ready for anything. As the saying goes: "Expect the UN-Expected".
You are so right nfd. Every once in a while we get weird stuff like this. Another good reason to wear ALL your gear (PPE & SCBA), complacency is our worst enemy.