6/10/10 Manhattan Box 1243 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Upper West Side, Manhattan, NY, 6/10/10

Address: The Holy Name School @ 202 W97 st between Amsterdam Ave and Broadway

16:34 hours
Class 3 Box 1243 - Automatic alarm
E76, TL22

16:35 hours
Box after initial 1243 - Now receiving reports of fire in the school.
Engs. 74, 47
Battalion 10

16:38 hours
E76: Transmit the box, we've got smoke from the top floor.

10-75-1243 - 16:40 hours
L26 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 12
Rescue 1
Squad 41
Division 3

10-70-1243 - 16:41 hours
E58 is designated the "Water Resource Unit"

16:41 hours
Battalion 10: Box 1243, we've got water on the fire, primaries are negative, k.

16:43 hours
E22 S/C

16:45 hours
BC10: 1243, the address 202 West 97 st, we have the Holy Name Centennial School, we have 1 line stretched and in operation, fire has been contained and knocked down, second precautionary line is being stretched.  We have a 4 story brick building, 100x100.  Fire is Doubtful, get back to you with what we're using.

Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - 5 foot alley
3 - unknown
4 - street

7-5-1243 - 16:45 hours - Duration 12 minutes

16:47 hours - Duration 14 minutes
Correction to the exposures:
3 - 10 foot alley

16:48 hours
BC10: Primary searches are negative.

16:50 hours - Duration 17 minutes
Division 3: Box 1243, we're using All-Hands for a fire at 202 West 97 st, it's a 4 story 100x100 fireproof building, fire's located on the 4th floor, top floor.  We have 2 lines stretched, 1 in operation, trucks are opening up, primaries are negative, secondaries are negative.  At this time the fire's still Doubtful but we do have it confined.

16:51 hours - Duration 18 minutes
DC3: We'll go Probably Will Hold at this time.

16:53 hours - Duration 19 minutes
DC3: We're going to release the Rescue and Squad 41 at this time, and all visible fire has been extinguished.

16:55 hours - Duration 21 minutes
DC3: At this time we will go Under Control at Box 1243, also releasing E22.