6/10/11 Brooklyn Box 2156 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Canarsie, Brooklyn, NY, 6/10/11

Address: 924 E99 st between Trucklemans Ln and Flatlands Ave

Box 2156
Engs. 257, 290, 283
TL170, L103
Battalion 58

10-75-2156 - 04:55 hours
L174 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 44
Division 15
Rescue 2
Squad 252

7-5-2156 - 04:57 hours - Duration 9 minutes
Battalion 58: Box 2156, we have fire in the basement of a 2 story, approximately 20x50 private dwelling, exposure 1 is a steet, 2 is a yard, 3 is unknown, 4 is a similar detached separated by a 5 foot driveway.  We have 1 line stretched, in operation, 2nd line being stretched.  Trucks are opening up, searches are in progress, fire is Doubtful, we do have water on the fire.  We're going to use All-Hands.

05:00 hours - Duration 11 minutes
BC58: On Box 2156. all visible fire has been kd, all prim sea are sdtill in prog, you can ret res and sq,k , have the 44 cont in.

05:02 hours
BC58: Primary search on the 1st floor at this time is negative, the basement and 2nd floor still underway, k.

05:05 hours - Duration 16 minutes
BC58: Primary searches throughout are complete and negative, k.

05:09 hours - Duration 20 minutes
Division 15: 2156, main body of fire has been knocked down, primary searches are negative throughout, we're going Probably Will Hold, secondary searches in progress.

05:17 hours - Duration 29 minutes
Box 2156, secondary searches in the basement, 1st and 2nd floor are negative, k.  Fire Under Control.  Also give a 10-41 code 1, mixer-off message.

05:22 hours
L176 S/C for Salvage

Relocations: TL153/170