6/17/10 --All Hands/Box 5820

Feb 28, 2007
Location:141-45 182 St/143 Rd.
Time:  0923hrs  10-75 Given
Time:  0928hrs  Batt 54 Transmitted the All Hands, has fire on the 1st flr of a 2 sty PD. RAC 4
Time:  0936hrs  Div 13 requesting rush on EMS for a 10-45 Code 2 --Child
Time:  0949hrs  Div 13 reporting fire knocked down. Total 2, 10-45's. NYPD Level I Mobilization Called at scene.
This is a very sad rundown, knowing that two young children were killed - this is a parent's worst nightmare - having to bury a child - in this case two - it is without doubt the most difficult thing you ever to have to face in your life - unfortunately I know first hand as I lost a young infant to illness almost 30 years ago.

This fire points out several things - that bad things happen very quickly where fire and smoke are involved. E311 and TL158 were there less than 3 minutes after being called. The fire was essentially over in 9 minutes. Let's hope this tragedy makes the City of New York rethink the proposed firehouse closings they are contemplating. I will now get off my soap box.

Box 5820 143rd AVE at 182 PL
Address 141-45 182 St  Springfield Gardens

Disp 237: Phone alarm - fire in a PD  
Disp: 311 go with the Urgent
E311: 10-75 the box - we have a 2-1/2 story peaked roof PD - fire first floor rear

First Alarm
Engines: 311 314 317
Trucks TL158 L165
BC 54

Disp transmits 10-75

10-75 Assignment

Engine 302
Truck TL155 FAST
Squad 270
Rescue 4 Unavailable - can be S/C if needed
BC 51
DC 13

BC54: Box 5820 we have fire on the first floor - we have 2L/S one in operation -
trucks are opening up - fire is doubtful - I'll get you the size up in a minute
Duration 8 minutes

BC54: we're going to use All Hands at this fire - it's a 3 story - garage below grade -
it's a - 2 stories above - 20x40 wood frame

1 - street
2 - 2 story Det
3 - rear yard
4 - 2-1/2 story PD

Disp transmits All Hands

BC54: main body of fire has been K/D at this time - 2L/S/O -
Disp: B54 be advised we have assigned Rescue 2 and L126 as the SOC support truck
(being that Rescue 4 is unavailable)

Rescue 2: responding to 5820 Box

BC54: two 10-45's - unknown Codes at this time  

BC54: Primary on the second floor is negative except for the 2 10-45's
Disp: EMS has been notified and the need for the second bus

Disp to L126: you have the second piece with you correct?
L126: 10-4

D13: we have two 10-45 Code 2's - put a rush on EMS
Disp: we'll call EMS and update them with the Codes
Duration 15 minutes

D13: Box 5820 we're going to go PWH - primaries throughout are negative
other than the the two 10-45's - can I have a mixer off
Disp: the mixer is off - proceed with your message
Disp: 10-4 D13 - that notification has been made

Rescue 2: we'll go 10-8 on the PWH
Disp to D13: Rescue 2 is going 10-8 on the PWH unless you want them to
continue in
D13: 10-4

Disp to D13: can you activate your cell phone for the Marshalls?
D13: 10-4

D13: Box 5820 secondaries are complete and negative except for the 2 10-45's -
we're placing the fire Under Control
Duration 32 minutes