6/28/11 Queens Box 9661 - 10-75

Nov 27, 2007
Kew Gardens, Queens, NY, 6/28/11

Address: 83-15 116 st @ Mayfair Rd

06:28 hours
Phone Box 9661 - Report of fire in a multiple dwelling
Engs. 305, 294, Squad 270
L151, T143
Battalion 51

10-75-9661 - 06:33 hours
E305: 10-75 the Box, fire on the 3rd floor.
TL142 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 50
Division 13
Rescue 4

CIDS for 83-15 116 st
Multiple Dwelling 6 story 60x150 class 3.  Large compartments.  Basement elevator.  Power shutoff in the basement.

06:37 hours - Duration 10 minutes
Battalion 51: Box 9661 we have fire on the 3rd floor of a 6 story multiple dwelling.  We have 2 lines stretched, 1 in operation, trucks are opening up, fire is Doubtful.

06:47 hours - Duration 20 minutes
BC51: Box 9661, all visible fire has been knocked down, primary searches throughout are negative, we're going to go Probably Will Hold at this time.

06:51 hours
TL127 S/C

06:57 hours - Duration 30 minutes
Division 13: At Box 9661, put this fire Under Control at this time.  Secondaries will be delayed due to a Collyers Mansion condition.

07:15 hours
L126 S/C