Jul 22, 2009
Word has just come from F.D.N.Y. Retirees Assn. that Lieutenant Richard W. Hamilton (F.F. L-17, R-3, R-4 & Lt. R-2) has passed away. Lt Hamilton was the most decorated fireman in the F.D.N.Y. when he retired. He was the author of the book "20,000 Alarms".

Rest in peace Loo ...
RIP Lt.  Buffed many of his fires back in the 60s and spoke to him frequently.  Great guy and fantastic firefighter.
As a Boston area buff (now Chicago) I really enjoyed his book and his take on the job. RIP Loo.
I learned today of Lt Richard Hamilton (retired Rescue 2) had passed away on Wednesday April 7, 2010 peacefully at his home in Calif. with his wife by his side. My brother and I met Lt Hamilton back in 1968 when we both got to ride Rescue 2 with him at our young ages of 18 and 14. (See page 1 of "My Younger Buff Years" in History). It was our first introduction to the FDNY. I guess you could say we started at the Top First. Because we later found out that Lt Hamilton was one of the Most Decorated FDNY Firefighters at the time. He truly was "The Greatest Generation of Firefighters".
  My condolences go out to his wife, son, and daughter. And to all the other Brothers that knew him and worked with him. My brother and I are very Thankful for what he taught us and showed us. In his own special way, he let us know about respecting others. And he did that with his great sense of humor. Just a couple of young kids that told him they wanted to be firemen.
  Lt Hamilton, you certainly did a Great job during your time here. You raised your family, and devoted your life to saving others. The people of NewYork has lost one of the Best Firefighters the city has ever known. and for others, they've lost a Brother and a Friend.
  My brother and I will Never Forget how good you were to us. And hopefully someday we will meet again.
  Bill and George Dennis

(From another site regarding Lt Hamilton). My Dad, Lt Richard Hamilton, fought his last fire this week. He will live in our hearts forever, and has given our family a life of memories. There was no one like my Dad. A simple man, with a heart of gold. He gave to all of those he came in contact with. He respected life with passion, and lived to help others. He taught my brother and I so much. It is hard to think of life without him. He wanted to be creamated with no service. Those were his wishes. He had been ill for a long time with my mom, and brother Greg caring for him at home. It will take time to heal from this loss. He was a great husband, father, and grandfather. He was the Best ! My dad will forever be our hero ! Thank you for your kind thoughts. His daughter, Sherree.

  Lt Richard Hamilton, also WWII, US NAVY Veteren. Another Loss of The Greatest Generation.
vbcapt said:
If anyone has photos of Lt. Hamilton can you please post them.
  I only wish now that I had taken a few pictures in those days. Lt Hamilton in his later years proved his doctors wrong when he beat cancer. He was sharp as a tack up until he fell down and injuried his leg/hip area around Nov, 2009.
  A story I would like to pass on that I recently heard from his daughter was this. And really, this describes his classic personality to a tee. For a while he was going for dialysis treatment. He said to his son it was cold in there, but the nurses etc told him it was plenty warm. He told his son, the next time we come here, bring that lazor temperature guage so we can check this out. So next time they did.
  Lt Hamilton pointed it to one place on the wall, 72 degrees. Another place on another wall, 74 degrees. Another place and he says, "Wow, that's hot". He had it pointed at one of the nurses.
  He had a great sense of humor, even at home. And he could figure out how to fix anything. He had just had his 86th birthday in January. The FDNY will be telling some of his stories 100 years from now.
That's great. Those older guys, sure had some wit and great humor. Kinda reminds me of what my Grandfather would say. They always got something clever to say, and you can't help but laugh. Like, "I'll see you when I get my new glasses"
RIP Lt. Hamilton. I'm glad I brought this subject up about him awhile back. It good to read some of the stories from "this greatest generation" of firemen.
I have recntly been in contact with Lt Hamiltons daughter and one of his son's. There is some talk that there may be an FDNY Medal in his honor given yearly to a deserving member on Medal Day. In addition there is talk of setting up a scholarship in his name. I believe his daughter is trying to accomplish this.
  Lt Hamilton lived with his wife and son, Greg in Calif. After some 40 plus years, maybe this past September (2009), I was able to get in contact with him though a family friend and the internet. Both my brother and I "thanked him" for all he did for us, and for what he taught us back there around 1968, when we had the Honor to ride with him in Brooklyn's Rescue 2. At that point, I was told by his daughter that he was "sharp as a tack", but his health was starting to fail him. What I was really pleased with was that he remembered those two young kids from Connecticut ages 18 and 13 that rode the rig with him a few times. After all that time, we were finally able to Thank him.
  Shortly after that Lt Hamilton fell and broke his hip. His health went sour and then he would pull through again. He was one tough guy. His family told me he wasn't afraid of anything. Then on the morning of April 7th (2010) Lt Hamilton gave up the battle as he passed away peacefully while sleeping in bed at home, with his wife by his side.
  I can still picture him sliding the pole at that Carlton Ave Firehouse while holding a cup of coffee in one hand. Or picking up that phone set as Brooklyn called "Brooklyn to Rescue 2" and he picked up that phone/radio to answer. He's one guy I know I'll NEVER forget Lt Hamilton.