7-1-09 Va. Beach, Va. Hazmat Incident

Apr 9, 2007
977 Centerville Turnpike @ Christian Broadcasting Network
Near: Indian River Rd.

0858: E10, Sq10, Bat2

0901: reports of 2 patients, white powder received in the mail

0907: E10-A is in command, meeting with CBN Police

0907: Bat1, Sq3, Hazmat1, Safety1

0933: Bat2 is now in command

0936: Fire Administration notified

0945: City of Norfolk requested to send their Hazmat team

0953: Norfolk Rescue1 & Hazmat1 responding

1013: Bat12(PIO)

1014: Bat2 "respond Decon1"

1014: Decon1

1044: Bat2 "Unified command is established with FBI, accounting for all evacuees is underway, 1 Police officer exposed"

1103: Bat2 "entry team is going in and will attempt to ascertain type of substance"

1103: Car7 (DC Jarvis)

1110: Bat2 "assign tactical channel 9 for entry team"

1242: Car5 (DC Wade)

1630: E10, Hazmat1 & 1 ambulance remaining on scene

1721: Bat1 "command terminated all units in the process of clearing"

1741: run closed out
