7/2/2015 Brooklyn 2nd Alarm Box 3528

Oct 17, 2013
Address: 3222 Mermaid Avenue at West 33 Street

Fire in a 1 story 30x40 commercial.

1353 - L-166 - Transmit the 10-75.

L-169 FAST  -  E-243 4th Engine

1359 - Bn. 43 - All Hands for fire in a taxpayer.  1 L/S/O.  Have Con-Ed respond to cut power to the building, the primary to the building is causing the fire.

1403 - Bn. 43 - Extra Engine and Truck (E-276, L-168).

1412 - Div. 8 - Transmit a 2nd Alarm.

1413 - Div. 8 - 2 L/S/O, trucks opening up, searches in progress.  Requesting an additional Truck above the 2nd Alarm (TL-153).

1420 - Div. 8 - We have fire in the ceiling of a deli.  2 L/S/O, trucks opening up, we are having difficulty extinguishing the fire due to the steel plated roof.  DWH

1426 - Div. 8 - MBFKD, still searching for pockets of fire.

1443 - Div. 8 - Primaries are negative in the fire building.  Primaries and secondaries are negative in exposure 4.  PWH - Duration 55 minutes.

1454 - Div. 8 - All searches are negative.  Under Control - Duration 1 hour 6 minutes.

All Hands Maybe:
E-318, 245, 253, 243, 276 s/c
L-166, 161, 169F, 168 s/c
B-43, 42

2nd Alarm:
E-254, 321, 250
L-172, 153
B-33 FF, 40 Safety, 48 RUL
RB, SB, FC, Tac. 2, CTU
E-284 w/ Sat. 3

E-201 act. E-318
E-309 act. E-246
E-224 act. E-243
E-332 act. E-276
E-222 act. E-321
L-109 act. L-166
TL-157 act. TL-161
L-122 act. L-168
B-2 act. B-42
Oct 17, 2013
johnd248 said:
E 246 must have been otherwise occupied.

It could have been any of the first 4 Engines.  Not sure who was missing, all I know is that E-243 was 4th.