7/24/10 Queens Box 6677 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Oakland Gardens, Queens, NY, 7/24/10

Address: 85-48 214 st between 85 and 86 aves

Phone Box 6677 - Report of fire in a private dwelling
Engs. 304, 301
Battalion 53

Battalion 53 requests a 2nd truck, TL152 S/C

10-75-6677 - 15:03 hours
Engs. 326, 251
L150 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 54
Division 14
Squad 270
Rescue 4

7-5-6677 - 15:06 hours
Battalion 53: Box 6677, we're using All-Hands for a fire on the 2nd floor of a 2 story wood frame 20x40 occupied private dwelling, the address 85-48 214 st.  We have 1 line stretched, 1 in operation, primary searches being conducted, trucks are opening up, fire is Doubtful.
L150 is out of service, TL160 S/C as the FAST Truck

Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - similar detached
3 - rear yard
4 - similar detached

15:13 hours - Duration 14 minutes
BC53: Box 6677, we had a fire in the 2nd floor bedroom, all visible fire is knocked down, we'll stay Doubtful at this time, working on the searches.

15:18 hours
BC53: Primaries throughout are negative.

15:24 hours - Duration 24 minutes
BC53: 6677 we're going Probably Will Hold at this time, you can return Rescue.

15:29 hours - Duration 30 minutes
Division 14: 6677 we're going Under Control, secondaries throughout the building are negative except in the basement, we're working on those now.
Stopped by the fire building around 6pm as I was at my relatives house in Oakland Gardens - homeowners were on their deck over the garage having a libation - I would guess they could really use one - front windows were boarded up with plywood - if you didn't have a fire address yow would never have known there was a fire from looking at the exterior of the home.  Lou's photos also suggest that. In spite of what some of the maps say, this area is really Holliswood.