7/7/10 -- Sixth Alarm/10-77/Box 3731

Feb 28, 2007
Location: 16-66 Bell Blvd
Div 14 has Heavy Fire top floor of a 7sty OMD
Multi Alarms Given Quick
Time: 1459 hrs  10-75/10-70 water relay  SQ288,R4
Time: 1518 Hrs  10-77 Was Transmitted for the Special Units,MSU 1
Time  1520 Hrs   Fourth Alarm Transmitted
Time: 1524 hrs  Fallback Step III  Batt 43 the Air Recon Chief
Time: 1528 hrs  Finally got a RAC unit that was free after the other 5th Alarm. RAC 4 and RAC 3 enroute
Time: 1529 hrs 2 Additional B/C's   Batt 38 and 20,Car 1E enroute, Additional 39 with High Rise Unit Enroute, E304 with High Rise Nozzle,Car 4,L138,Comm Tact Unit
Time: 1532 hrs  Field Comm 10-84
Time: 1542 hrs Fifth Alarm Transmitted    TL152 Additional FAST Truck,L54,E314,R3 and SQ 61 Special Called
Time: 1606 hrs  4 Additional truck Special Called
Time: 1701 hrs   Sixth Alarm  Relief Purposes  Eng326,268,279,L173,L110,L106,
Time: 1727 hrs  3 Additional Engine's Special Called
  Bell Blvd/18 Staging
 19 Pt's/13 FF's Green tag reported by EMS   --Multi MERV'S,LSU,MRTU o/s
 NYPD Called a Level I Mobilization for traffic/crowd Control
Time: 1715 hrs  Bldgs wanted to perform a walk through. Field Comm andvised --NO,NOT YET.
Time: 1836 hrs Special Call E294/L37/B46

MULTI Relocations in the area
PWH transmitted
Duration 1 hour and 45 minutes

G'man theory in effect - E306 is normally first due and they were acting E287 the first due Engine on the 5th Alarm in Rego Park
I saw a TV report on CH2 and E268 from the Rockaways was there also E39 was there with L140 & L173, and even L106 showed up which has got to be one LONG Haul for a tillerman on 100 degree day. :eek: ::)
My uncle lives out in Bayside and my cousin texted me that Engine 312, Ladder 105, and Rescue 3 were at the 6th. My brother was in Brooklyn today and saw Engine 166 had relocated to Brooklyn.
Here's a rundown  from Exchief84 that answered some of my questions and hopefully yours too: Queens,  N. Y.  07/07/10  @  14:45 hrs.

Bayside  Section

Box  3731

address:              16 ? 66  Bell  Blvd.  @  18th  Ave.

3731  @  14:42

Engs.  320,  313,  274

Lad.  167,    T. Lad.  144

Batt.  52

10 ? 75 ? 3731  @  14:57

TowerLadder  160  is  designated  as  the  ?FAST?  Truck

Eng.  326

Rescue  Co.  #4

Squad  Co.  #288

Batt.  53

Division  14

2nd  Alarm:

2 ? 2 ? 3731  @  14:58

Engs.  299,  297,  205 act. 289,  298

Lad.  129,  Lad.  125

Eng.  291  w/  Satellite  4

Batt.  50  ?Safety  Officer?

Batt.  39 act. 46  ?Resource  Unit  Leader?

Rescue  Battalion  /    Safety  Battalion  n/a

Fieldcom  1  /  Tactical  Support  Unit  #1

Car  9:    Assist.  Chief  John  Sudnick

3rd  Alarm:

3 ? 3 ? 3731  @  15:02

Eng.  89,  295 act. 305,  331 act. 273,  314 act. 315

Lad.  151,    Lad.  150

Batt.  54

Batt.  51  ?Staging  Manager?

Batt.  43  ?Air  Re ? Con  Chief?

Mask  Service  Unit  #1

Staging  Area:    Bell  Blvd.  &  23rd  Ave.

Fire  Building:

7  Story  Brick  160 x 60  O.M.D.

@  15:04

Division  14:    Box  3731,    We  have  fire  on  the  top  floor  and  into  the  Cockloft

of  a  7  Story  Brick  160 x 60  O.M.D.    Truck  Co?s  are  ?Opening  Up?    2 ? lines  stretched, 

2 ? lines  in  operation.    Fire  is  Doubtful.    We  have  heavy  fire  top  floor  and  Cockloft.

We  have  ( 2 )  Apartments  involved  on  the  top  floor.

@  15:15

Queens  Dispatch  has  transmitted  the  10-77  for  this  Box  per  Dispatch  policy  due  to  a

7  Story  O.M.D.

10 ? 77 ? 3 ? 3 ? 3731  @  15:15

Eng.  312 act.  307  C.F.R.D.

Eng.  304  w/ High Rise Nozzle

Eng.  39  w/  High Rise  1

Safety  Battalion  now  assigned

@  15:18

Fieldcom  1:    By  order?s  of  Car  9,  Assist.  Chief  Sudnick,  Transmit  the  4th  Alarm,

and  Special  Call  ( 2 )  additional  Battalion  Chiefs

4th  Alarm:

4 ? 4 ? 3731  @  15:18

Engs.  275,  251,  317,  308

T. Lad.  155 act. 162,    T. Lad.  138

Batt.  38 act. 52,    &    Batt.  20

Eng.  262  with  Planning  Vehicle

Batt.  17 act.  52  ?Planning  Chief?

Car  4:    Chief  Robert  Sweeney,  ?Chief  of  Operations?

@  15:20

Fieldcom  1:    Special  Call  an  additional  ?FAST?  Truck?

Unknown  I.D.  of  this  request

@  15:40

Fieldcom  1:    By  order?s  of  Car  9,  Assist.  Chief  Sudnick,  Transmit  the  5th  Alarm.

Also,  Special  Call  an  additional  ?FAST?  Truck

5th  Alarm:

5 ? 5 ? 3731  @  15:40

Engs.  225 act. 316,  314 act. 299,  332 act. 273,  258 act. 274

Lad.  123 act. 150,    T. Lad.  54 act.  T. Lad. 160

TowerLadder  152  s/c  as  another  ?FAST?  Truck

@  15:46

Fieldcom  1:    Special  Call  an  additional  Rescue  Co.  &  an  additional  Squad  Co.

Rescue  Co.  #3      &      Squad  Co.  #61  are  assigned

@  15:48

Fieldcom  1:    Special  Call  ( 2 )  more  additional  Truck  Co?s.

TowerLadder  127    &      Ladder  133  are  s/c

@  15:55

Fieldcom  1:    Progress  Report  for  the  5th  alarm,  Box  3731,    Car  4,  Chief  Sweeney,

Chief  of  Operations  reports:    ( 6 )  hand ? lines  stretched  and  in  operation.

Fire  involves  ( 4 )  Apartments  on  the  top  floor  with  extension  into  the  Cockloft

above  the  apartments  involved.    Truck  Co?s  are  continuing  to  ?Open  Up?

Fire  remains  Doubtful.

@  16:05

Fieldcom  1:    Special  Call  ( 4 )  additional  Trucks.

T. Lad.  162,    Lad.  148 act. 126,    Lad.  134 act.  143,    Lad.  16 act.  151

@  16:08

Fieldcom  1:    Special  Call  Mobile  Command  #1

@  16:26

Fieldcom  1:    Progress  Report  for  the  5th  alarm,  Box  3731,    Car  4,  Chief  Sweeney,

Chief  of  Operations  reports:      Main  body  of  fire  has  been  knocked  down.

Still  hitting  pockets  of  fire.    Truck  Co?s  are  continuing  to  ?Open  Up?      Extensive

operation.    Chief  Sweeney  place?s  this  Fire  at  Probably  Will    Hold.

@  16:31

Fieldcom  1:    Special  Call  ( 2 )  additional  Battalion  Chief?s

Batt.  32 act.  52,    Batt.  ??  act.  ??

@  16:43

Fieldcom  1:    Progress  Report  for  the  5th  alarm,  Box  3731,    Car  4,  Chief  Sweeney,

Chief  of  Operations  reports:      Main  body  of  fire  has  been  extinguished.

Truck  Co?s  are  continuing  to  ?Open  Up?      Still  have  Apts.  to  search,  searches  will

be  delayed.    Engine  Co?s  are  continuing  to  wash  down.    Chief  Sweeney  place?s 

this  Fire  UnderControl.

Special  Call  ( 3 )  Engine?s    &    ( 3 )  Trucks  for  ?relief?

Engs.  268,  237,  279 act. 277

Lad.  110 act. 107,  Lad.  106,  Lad.  173

(  Job  Duration:    2 hrs.  /  1 min. )

Len90 said:
My uncle lives out in Bayside and my cousin texted me that Engine 312, Ladder 105, and Rescue 3 were at the 6th. My brother was in Brooklyn today and saw Engine 166 had relocated to Brooklyn.
thats a hell of a trip from there quarters
relocating S.I. units, especially from that deep in the borough is not smart, especially with the way we've been burning lately..
NYBravest82 said:
relocating S.I. units, especially from that deep in the borough is not smart, especially with the way we've been burning lately..

I honestly think it had to be a last ditch effort to get coverage in Brooklyn. My brother spotted them turning onto 65th from Ft. Hamilton Pkwy.
If SI can spare an engine, then so be it. The rigs do say FDNY, and not FDSI. It's a roll of the dice we take every time we do a relocation. Remember, it wasn't uncommon to see an engine and truck from SI going up into Bushwick, or even the Bronx back in the day because there was so much fire duty.
If that's what you have to do. I don't think SI is going to implode due to a relocation now & then.
Well said by vbcapt and FDNY150 - maximizing the use of your resources is always the best practice - you can't forecast every eventuality but you do allocate/deploy your resources to afford the best coverage you can for a given set of circumstances. FDNY does it pretty well I think!
I remember a funny story from yesteryear.......a friend of mine was a LT covering in a busy TRUCK........he called the DISPATCHERS which he knew  in his old boro & said ....."when i am working here we are up for relocations back to your boro.....they acommodated him more than once during his short stay covering there........when the CAPTAIN of the unit got wind of this he called the SUP.DISP.in the other Boro & identified himself & said ....."LAD*XX does not relocate to your Boro we are too important where we are".... the Supervisor said..... "excuse me CAPT ,are you in your office".....the Capt said "yes".....the Supervisor  said.... "can you please go down to the apparatus floor & pick up the housewatch phone".......the CAPT went down & picked up & the SUP said ...."can you see your rig from where you are ?" the CAPT said "yes"......SUP said ..."well see on the side it says FDNY not CAPT.XXXXXX s Truck ,so it goes where we send it" & hung up........needless to say my friend did not get to cover there anymore.