7/9/10 75-553



Box 553 - 6th Avenue at West 13th Street
Address - 50 West 13th Street

Fire on the roof of a 3 story movie theatre.

Battalion 7
Ladder 20 - Fast Truck
Squad 1 - Added to the ticket but was later told to go 10-8. Squad 18 must've been somewhere else as to they should've been first due.

CIDS: 3 story 20 x 50 theatre class 3. Rear tenement interconnected to rear building via the first floor. Access to building from exposure.

(1) street
(2) 6 story residential
(3) unknown
(4) vacant

Division 1 stated no extension, and they have water on the fire. You can 10-2 Squad 1.

@ 00:44 - Fire is under-control. Return Rescue 1.

Duration 24 minutes.
