8/12/10 Brooklyn Box 1856 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
East New York, Brooklyn, NY, 8/12/10

Address: 251 Crescent St between Fulton St and Atlandtic Ave

Box 1856
Engs. 236, 293, 332
TL107, T175
Battalion 39

10-75-1856 - 17:52 hours
TL135 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 44
Division 15
Squad 252
Rescue 2

7-5-1856 - 17:57 hours
Battalion 39: Transmit the All-Hands.  Fire on the 2nd floor rear of a 3 story brownstone.  The main body of fire has been knocked down, you can return all special units.  10-2 the 4th Engine, All-Hands Chief, Squad, Rescue, but have the FAST Truck continue in.

Fire Building Height/Size-up:
Private dwelling 3 story 20x60 brownstone
Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - similar
3 - unknown
4 - similar

18:00 hours - Duration 12 minutes
BC39:Fire is Probably Will Hold at this time, and just a correction, fire is on the 3rd floor rear, not the 2nd floor.

18:03 hours - Duration 16 minutes
BC39: The fire is Under Control at this time, all units are in the process and will go 10-8 when they become available.