8/25/10 Brooklyn Box 311 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY, 8/25/10

Address: 130 Clymer St @ Bedford Ave

12:03 hours
Phone Box 311 - Report of fire and smoke in a multiple dwelling
Engs 211, 221, 216
TL119, T104
Battalion 35

10-75-311 - 12:05 hours
E211: Box 311, 10-75, we have fire in the 2nd floor compactor.
L102 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 31
Division 11
Rescue 2

Fire Building Height/Size-up:
21 story MD 100x80
Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - yard
3 - yard
4 - yard

7-5- 12:14 hours
Battalion 35: Box 311 we're using All-Hands for a fire on the 2nd floor of a 21 story multiple dwelling with the address 130 Clymer St.  We have 1 line stretched,1 line in operation, we're going to go Doubtful, we're putting water into the chute right now, we have a pretty good smoke condition throughout the building.

12:14 hours
Receiving report of smoke in apartments 10D and 18A

12:14 hours
BC35: Searches on the 2nd floor, the fire floor, are negative.

12:15 hours - duration 15 minutes
BC35: All searches in the hallways and stairways is negative, we're going to go Under Control at this time
Trivia Time....

This Box  reminds me,

How would the signal 5-311-211 be transmitted on the bells - in Brooklyn.

Be specific, how many strokes?
Its been a while but I thought that E 211 was 2 bells followed by eleven. L 111 was not 3 bells.