8/8/10 Bronx Box 2537 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Morrisania, the Bronx, NY, 8/8/10

Address: 1060 Findlay Ave near 165 st

Phone Box 2537 - Report of fire in the basement
Engs. 92, 50, 71
TL44, L19
Battalion 17

10-75-2537 - 15:00 hours
Bronx: Be advised we have about 3 or 4 calls on this reporting fire in the basement.
Battalion 17: 10-4, 10-84, 10-75, fire in the basement.
L55 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 26
Division 6
Squad 41
Rescue 3

7-5-2537 - 15:04 hours
BC17: At Box 2537, we're using All-Hands for a fire in the address 1060 Findlay Ave, we have fire in the basement of a 4 story occupied MD, area is 50x75.  We have 2 lines stretched, 1 in operation, primary search in progress.

Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - similar attached
3 - rear yard
4 - similar attached

15:04 hours - Duration 7 minutes
Division 6: We have 2 lines stretched, 1 in operation, primary search in the fire area is negative, still Doubtful at this time.

15:05 hours
DC6: Primary on floor above is negative.

15:10 hours - Duration 13 minutes
DC6: We're going to go Probably Will Hold.

15:12 hours
DC6: We're going to need PD for security for the fire floor.

15:12 hours
DC6: Apartment number is just "in the basement"

15:13 hours - Duration 16 minutes
DC6: Make this box a 10-41 code 1, unable to determine cause of fire.

15:17 hours - Duration 20 minutes
DC6: Secondary search is negative throughout, we're going to go Under Control at this time, we're releasing the FAST Truck.

Ladders: 46/44, 38//19