9/11 heroes likely to suffer 'World Trade Center Cough' for life:

Jun 22, 2007
Those Terrorist really got us good that day. And that's putting it lightly. Many are still paying a terrible price that they will have to live with for the rest of their life. My hope is that as the World Trade Center Cough goes on, the medical field will come up with better meds etc to help all those affected.

  It was, and still is a terrible price being paid by innocent people that were affected that day. We can NEVER forget what these people did to us that day. The deaths, the injuried, and the sick. And certainly the families of these who have suffered so much. "I know that I haven't forgot it".
Jul 22, 2009
You make a good point Bill ... this didn't only change our lives as firefighters who responded that morning and dealt with what was thrown at us, this event and its ever lasting effects have changed our families lives forever also. They have to live with what the terrorist attack did to their (husband, father, brother, etc).