9-25-08 Va. Beach, Va. 2nd Alarm Fire in a High-Rise Hotel

Apr 9, 2007
3915 Atlantic Ave.
Between: 39 St & 40 St
Fire in a High Rise Hotel

0125: E11, E14, E12, E8, L11, TL8, Sq3, Safety1, Bat1, Bat3, Car8

0127: Multiple calls coming in, evacuation in progress

0131?: Bat1 "working fire"

0138: E3, Bat2, Support8

0138: Bat1 "transmit a 2nd Alarm"

0139: E16, E20, E1, TL16, Sq10, Bat4, Command1

0143: report of a deaf occupant in room 544 & an elderly couple that needs assistance in room 411

0149: Bat1 "fire knocked down & under control, primary negative 1st, 2nd & 3rd floors, 2 lines in operation, Exp A: street, Exp B: similar detached, Exp C: beach, Exp D: similar detached, return all 2nd alarm units"

0153: Bat1 "fire out, secondary negative"

0159: Bat1 "respond the duty Inspector"

0215: Inspector10

0259: Bat1 "command terminated, all units have cleared the scene, Inspector10 to remain on scene.

0352: run closed out