9/29/10 Brooklyn Box 3327 - 3rd Alarm w/ multiple 10-45s

Nov 27, 2007
Midwood, Brooklyn, NY, 9/29/10

Address: 1118 Avenue P between East 12 st and Coney Island Ave

21:44 hours
Phone Box 3327 - Report of a structural fire, possible people trapped.
Engs 276, 254, 330
L156, TL153
Battalion 33

10-75-3327 - 21:45 hours
TL172 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 42
Squad 1
Rescue 2
Division 15

21:45 hours
Report of children trapped on the top floor.

7-5-3327 - 21:45 hours
Battalion 33: We're going to use All-Hands on Arrival, 3 story Queen Anne, fire's on the top floor.

2-2-3327 - 21:49 hours
BC33: Transmit a 2nd Alarm, I'm going to need PD to hold the crowd back.
Engs 246, 253, 309, 243
E284 w/ Satellite 3
L169, TL159
Battalion 41 (Safety Officer)
Battalion 48 (Resource Unit Leader)
Safety, Rescue Battalions
Tactical Support 2
FieldCom 1, Command Tactical Unit

21:50 hours
BC33: It's a 3 story Queen Anne, 20x60, fire's on the 3rd floor.  We have 2 lines stretched and 1 in operation, fire is Doubtful.  It's 1118 Avenue P.

Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - 3 story private dwelling
3 - 6 story multiple dwelling
4 - 3 story private dwelling

CIDS for 1118 Avenue P:
Private Dwelling 3 story 25x50 class 4.  Peaked roof.  Window bars on 1st floor.  Fire escape in rear.  Daycare in basement.

21:56 hours
Car 1H (Commissioner's Liaison) is responding

22:03 hours
The staging area is East 14 st and Avenue P.

22:08 hours - Duration 25 minutes
Division 15: 2nd Alarm Box 3327, Chief Jakubowski reports: heavy fire, top floor, we have 3 lines stretched, 2 in operation, trucks are opening up, primary searches are in progress right now, still have 1 child missing, unaccounted for, on the top floor.

22:11 hours - Duration 28 minutes
FieldCom: Progress report #4 for the 2nd Alarm Box 3327, Division 15, DC Jakubowski reports we have 3 handlines stretched, 2 in operation, still have 1 child unaccounted for, they are making a push into the rear of the top floor, and the fire remains Doubtful.

3-3-3327 - 22:14 hours
FC: By orders of Division 15: heavy fire through the roof, transmit a 3rd Alarm.
Engs. 323, 281, 255, 245
TL157, L161
Battalion 58
Battalion 43 (Staging Manager)
Battalion 39 (Air-Recon Chief)
Mask Service Unit
Car 36A (Department Chaplain)
Car 8 (DAC Michael Marrone, Staten Island Borough Commander)

22:17 hours
FC: As per Division 15 at this time transmit two 10-45s no code.

22:25 hours - Duration 41 minutes
FC: Progress report #5 on the 3rd alarm Box 3327, at this time DC Jakubowski, Division 15, reports: at this time they have the two previously reported 10-45s, they also have two people who are unaccounted for at this time, and the fire remains Doubtful.

22:26 hours - Duration 43 minutes

22:33 hours
FC: 10-2 the Air Recon Battalion

22:39 hours - Duration 56 minutes
FC: Progress report #6 for your 3rd Alarm Box 3327, at this time DAC Marrone, Car 8, reports: He has 5 lines stretched: one to a tower ladder, two to the 3rd floor, one to the 2nd floor, one to exposure 4.  Trucks are opening up.  He wants to transmit four additional 10-45s, those will be code 2s (Red Tag, Immediate).  He wants to upgrade the previous two 10-45 no codes to code 2s, for a total of six 10-45 code 2s, and he places the fire Probably Will Hold.

22:42 hours
Car 1E (Commissioner's Liaison) is responding

22:44 hours
Car 14C (Fire Marshal) is responding

22:46 hours - Duration 1 hour 3 minutes
FC: Progress report #7 for the 3rd Alarm Box 3327, at this time DAC Marrone, Car 8, reports: with the exception of the original six 10-45 code 2s, primary searches are still in progress in the fire building, and the fire remains Probably Will Hold.

22:51 hours - Duration 1 hour 8 minutes
FC: At the 3rd Alarm Box 3327, at this time DAC Marrone, Car 8, reports: the primary searches of the cellar, 1st, and 2nd floors are complete and negative with the exception of the original six 10-45 code 2s.  The primary searches of the rear of the top floor are still in progress.  Secondary searches of the cellar, 1st, and 2nd floors are underway, and the fire remains Probably Will Hold.

22:55 hours - Duration 1 hours 12 minutes
FC: As per DAC Marrone, Car 8, progress report #9 on the 3rd Alarm Box 3327: The secondary searches in the cellar and 1st floor are complete and negative except for the original six 10-45 codes 2s, and places the fire Under Control.

23:03 hours
FC: Progress report on the 3rd Alarm Box 3327, DC Jakubowski, Division 15, reports: the primary searches of the top floor are complete and negative with the exception of the six 10-45s, and the secondary searches of the top floor are underway.

23:08 hours - Duration 1 hour 25 minutes
FC: Update on your 3rd Alarm Box 3327, at this time DAC Marrone, Car 8, is making some changes to the 10-45s: two of the 10-45s are code 2s, so two of them will remain at code 2s, and the rest will be downgraded to code 3 (Yellow Tag, Delayed), for a total of two 10-45 code 2s and four 10-45 code 3s.

23:37 hours
FC: Update on your 3rd Alarm Box 3327, DAC Marrone, Car 8 reports: They are going to upgrade one of the code 2s to a 10-45 code 1 (Black Tag, Deceased), and one of the codes 3s back to a code 2, for a total of one 10-45 code 1, two 10-45 code 2s, and three 10-45 code 3s

Engines. 202/243, 228/253, 240/276
Ladders: 105/153, 148/169
Battalions: 44/33, 2/42, 39/43, 51/39
Indeed a very sad story....not aware of the cause ....however the report of a candlelit home sends chills down the spine...it is way past the time to re-think certain practices for the safety of all.
That video is from this job - after looking on google streetview, theres a tree in front of the dwelling, just like in the video, exposure 4 is identical to the one shown on streetview & has a rather distinctive top floor window area.