9/30/10 Brooklyn Box 309 - All HAnds

Nov 27, 2007
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY, 9/30/10

Address: 477 Bedford Ave between Division and Clymer Sts

21:38 hours
Phone Box 309 - Report of a fire in either a synagogue or a MD
Engs. 221, 211, 216
T104, TL119
Battalion 35

10-75-309 - 21:39 hours
L108 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 31
Division 11
Squad 252
Rescue 2

21:41 hours
Battalion 35: Corrected address is 477 Bedford Ave, it's a multiple dwelling

7-5-309 - 21:44 hours
BC35: 309 we're using All-Hands for a fire on the 2nd floor of a 3 story multiple dwelling.  Trucks are opening up, fire is Doubtful.

Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - alley
3 - rear yard
4 - alley

21:45 hours - Duration 10 minutes
BC35: Box 309, main body of fire has been knocked down, searches still in progress.

21:50 hours - Duration 15 minutes
BC35: 309, primary and secondary searches are complete and negative, we're going to go Probably Will Hold, you can release the Rescue and Squad.

21:55 hours - Duration 20 minutes
Division 11: All secondaries are complete, the fire's Under Control.

21:57 hours
L112 S/C for Salvage
was L112 relocated to one of the companies operating at this job because there were closer trucks to perform salvage L106 L110 L124 just a few