9/4/10 Queens Box 4785 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Jamaica, Queens, NY, 9/4/10

Address: 164-24 South Rd between 164 and 165 sts

Box 4785
Engs. 303, 298, 275
L126, TL127
Battalion 50

10-75-4785 - 02:45 hours
Battalion 50: 10-75, fire on the 2nd floor, 2 story vacant frame dwelling, 20x40.
L133 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 54
Division 13
Squad 270
Rescue 4

7-5-4785 - 02:46 hours
E302, L125 S/C

02:51 hours - Duration 11 minutes
BC50: 4785, using All-Hands, fire on the 2nd floor of a 2 story 20x40 vacant attached flat roof frame private dwelling, address is 164-24 South Rd.  We have 2 lines stretched, 2 in operation, trucks opening up, searches in progress, fire is Doubtful.

Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - similar attached
3 - rear yard
4 - similar attached

02:53 hours - Duration 14 minutes
Division 13: Box 4785, knocking down pockets of fire.  2 lines stretched and in operation, searches in progress, fire is Doubtful.

02:58 hours - Duration 18 minutes
DC13: Box 4785, we're going to go Probably Will Hold, main body of fire has been knocked down, primary searches are negative.  We're going to transmit a 10-41 code 4, mixer-off message please.

03:05 hours - Duration 20 minutes
DC13: Under Control, secondaries are in progress, we're going to release Squad 270, Rescue 4, and Battalion 54.
Numerous calls were received, Queens advised L127 "listen up, your going to work there guys, children possibly in the exposure" Box was loaded 4 2 R & Sq.