9/4/10 Staten Island Box 247 - All Hands/HazMat

Nov 27, 2007
Tompkinsville, Staten Island, NY, 9/4/10

Address: 248 Bay St @ Hannah St

01:56 hours
Phone Box 247 - Report of a car into gas station, possible fire.
Engs. 153, 155, 152
TL77, L78
Battalion 21

10-75-247 - 01:58 hours
TL79 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 22
Division 8
Rescue 5
Squad 1

10-80-247 - 02:00 hours
L78: Transmit a 10-80 code 1, we have the pumps going now.  We have a car into the gas pumps, the pumps are on fire now.
E165 (HazTec)
HazMat 1
HazMat Battaion
Battalion 21 is designated the "Operations Section Chief"
Battalion 22 is designated the "Site Access Control Leader"

7-5-247 - 02:02 hours
Battalion 21: We're going to use All-Hands, we have a minor fire at the pump.
E159 w/ Satellite 5

02:04 hours
BC21: At this time we have 1 10-45 code 1 (Black Tag, Deceased).

02:06 hours
BC21: All visible fire extinguished, primaries within the gas station is negative, still making searches for additional victims.

02:11 hours
RAC5 available replacing RAC2

02:12 hours
BC21: Box 247, have ConEd respond, the car hit a telephone pole, they're going to have to check the stability.

This fire was one block away from E154's old quarters on Hannah St, vacant since they opened the Travis firehouse and relocated the company. 

There is a piece of baseball history associated with this firehouse.  Bobby Thompson, the baseball player who hit the famous "Shot Heard Around the World" home run to win the 1951 pennant for the NY Giants, lived on Staten Island.  He went to this firehouse after he won the NL championship.

The walk off home run, often claimed to be the most famous in baseball, won the third game of a rare NL pennant playoffs (they did not have the playoff system we have today). The Giants, were down 13 1/2 games in August and were trailing 4-1 in the 9th inning. It became the "Miracle of Coogan's Bluff."  After he hit the walk off home run, Thompson took the SI ferry to celebrate with his brother Jim, who was on duty with E154.  Jim Thompson's son Jimmy also became an FDNY captain. 

The Shot Heard 'Round The World
  The Hannah St. firehouse building has been a private residence and is currently undergoing some major renovations. The owners have installed an exterior fire escape on the exp. #4 side which has me wondering if it's going to become a theatre or used as a public building. 
this is really a small world. i reread the article on silive and it turns out i knew this guy from a few years back. and that other car accident this week on the south shore i knew one of the victims sisters
10-45-1 was changed to a 10-37-1 when it was discovered the victim died of crash related injuries and not the fire.