9/5/10 Manhattan Box 627 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Baruch College Area, Manhattan, NY, 9/5/10

Address: 155 East 24 st between Park and Lexington Aves

15:04 hours
Phone Box 627 - Report of fire in Baruch College
Engs. 16, 14, 5
TL7, L3
Battalion 6

15:05 hours
Also receiving the addresses 120 and 130 East 25 sts for smoke from the roof.

15:05 hours
Also receiving report for the Armory

15:06 hours
Now receiving multiple calls.
Squad 18
Rescue 1

10-75-627 - 15:10 hours
Battalion 6: Box 627, 10-75 the Box.  We have fire on the roof at 130 East 25 st.
L24 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 7
Division 1

CIDS for 130 East 25 st:
Hospice 7 story 30x50 class 1.  Interconnected to 7 story and 3 story 30x50 class 3.  Standpipe in B stairway.  4 lengths stretch on 3rd and 4th floors.  SRO Apartments.

7-5-627 - 15:13 hours - Duration 11 minutes
BC6: Box 627 we're using All-Hands for a fire on the roof , 7 story 30x50 class 1.  2 lines stretched, 1 line in operation, fire is Doubtful.

Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - street
3 - unknown
4 - 7 story class 3

15:14 hours - Duration 12 minutes
BC6: Box 627 we have water on the fire, fire is darkening down on the roof, we're checking for extension on the 3rd floor.

15:16 hours - Duration 14 minutes
BC6: Primary search is negative, secondary search is negative at Box 627, still checking for extension.

15:17 hours - Duration 15 minutes
BC6: Box 627 we're going to go Probably Will Hold, we're going to release the FAST Truck, L24, and Squad 18.

15:23 hours
Rescue 1 is 10-8

15:25 hours - Duration 23 minutes
DC1: At this Box, fire's been extinguished, all searches are negative.  We're going Under Control, we'll leave Battalion 6 as the Incident Commander.