
Apr 28, 2008
with the intense storms that passed through chicago yesterday. THe chicago Fire department responded to a large amount of runs. I was listening to Englewood fire frequency, but also new of 1 still and box(4 engines, 2 trucks, 3 chiefs, Squad, command van, RIT team- chief and truck) on the north side( Main Freq). but what i was listening too was numerous fire calls on the south side including between 12:30 A.M. and 1:30 A.M.(8/5) 4 working fires, between 20 and 30 false alarm fire calls, numerous ambulance assist calls. Also what brought difficulty to the fire fighters and fire alarm office was the large amount of rain which flooded underpasses with as much as 5 feet of water. Many companies responded to over 20 runs each during the shift but what should recieve alot of credit is the alarm office because of thier hard work with making sure chicago was safe.