FDNY incident web app

Jan 30, 2022
I built an interactive app for mapping incidents that appear on the FDNY Alerts Twitter account and thought this community might find it useful. Keep in mind it shows geographically nearby units not necessarily those actually responding. You can also build a box and look up companies and radio codes. I'm open to thoughts and feedback. I'd like to add more data/features as I can. Check it out here.
Site Looks Cool but, -
I had a Problem 'Cutting & Pasting' as a Desktop Shortcut.
I DNK if that's a PC, or Source Issue ? 🤨
Hi nfd2004 and STAjo. Thanks for the welcome! In this case, the website is the app. No installation necessary though you could bookmark the site.
Like Lebby said NYCFIREWIRE Basically already has an app like this
This is different than NYCFIREWIRE. It gives distances of units which could be assigned. This app would provide different info. Format different. Accuracy TBD. Looks like a lot of effort.
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Thanks mack and FDNYSTATENISLAND. I wish there was more offical information published in real-time. I know some cities like Seattle do this. Most of my data is from the NYC Open Data portal and the FDNY Alerts Twitter account. I thought I read here that there was a book that listed the dispatch "card" for each box. Not sure if a digital version of that data exists in the public domain.
I built an interactive app for mapping incidents that appear on the FDNY Alerts Twitter account and thought this community might find it useful. Keep in mind it shows geographically nearby units not necessarily those actually responding. You can also build a box and look up companies and radio codes. I'm open to thoughts and feedback. I'd like to add more data/features as I can. Check it out here.
Interesting. I see where the incident is indicated but I don't see it mapped.
I like the idea of pulling up the Twitter feeds from FDNY Alerts. My suggestion would be to display that info on the left with the rest of the website showing an NYC Map with the incident marked and all of the firehouses in the borough highlighted. The signal definition could be an interactive dropdown below the map where the user selects the signal and the definition appears. Another interactive drop down could be for unit designations and descriptions. Just my twwo cents.
These are good ideas jlab! Thanks for the feedback. I use the column layout so it works better on a phone but I agree the desktop version is less useful as a result. I like the idea of always showing all the firehouses.