
Aug 8, 2009

FDNY Line of Duty Death

January 21, 2001 - LODD
Paramedic/Lieutenant Barbara Poppo, 37
FDNY. New York


Lieutenant Poppo, a paramedic lieutenant for the New York City Fire Department, collapsed at her Brooklyn firehouse, apparently the victim of a heart attack. Lieutenant Poppo, was a 13-year veteran.

RIP. Never forget.


Barbara Poppo of the New York Fire Department died January 21, 2001, while shoveling snow from the driveway of the Emergency Medical Station in Brooklyn, New York. Barbara began to feel ill and requested to be examined by FDNY paramedics assigned to her station. She was removed via EMS to Coney Island Hospital experiencing an episode of chest pain. She went into cardiac arrest from which she did not recover.<br /> <br /> Ms. Poppo, 37, was a thirteen-year veteran of emergency medical services, spending much of her career in Brooklyn, New York. She was recently promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and was reassigned to Brooklyn. Barbara was well respected by the EMS service, especially among her co-workers at her present and former assignments, which include EMS Battalions 43 and 35. She was a long time member of the department's Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Team. Barbara was a highly decorated member of the EMS Command having earned as many as 10 pre-hospital save medals and an Excellent Duty Medal.<br /> <br /> Lt. Poppo took great pleasure in her work in the EMS field and was immensely proud of her profession and accomplishments. She was especially proud of her five-year-old daughter.<br /> <br /> Barbara Poppo is survived by a daughter Colleen White, mother Theresa Poppo, sister Lillian Mason, and brothers Gerard, James, Jr., and Daniel.<br /> <br /> Honored 2001

By Rita Delfiner - NY Post - January 26, 2001

A dedicated Emergency Medical Service lieutenant who died Sunday shoveling snow outside a Brooklyn firehouse was hailed at funeral services yesterday for making “the world a little better every day.”

Lt. Barbara Poppo’s 5-year-old daughter, Colleen, held her mother’s hat and shield as 1,500 mourners, including Mayor Giuliani and Fire Commissioner Thomas Von Essen, gathered at St. Mark’s Roman Catholic Church in Sheepshead Bay.

Poppo, 37, a 13-year EMS veteran, died of a heart attack Sunday shoveling snow while on duty at Battalion 39, a fire and ambulance station house in East New York.

Von Essen told mourners Poppo leaves a legacy for EMS recruits who will “hear about a woman who did her job, cared about others, who loved her friends and family, cherished her daughter and tried to make the world a little better every day.”
