There are plenty of movies using actual FDNY Members on the movie company payroll with Rigs provided by the Job....i was in 2...."The Hot Rock" in the scene were they blow up a car outside the BKLYN Museum we respond into the picture with an E&T....not much facial recognition on that one....i was also in the sequel to "Shaft" ....."Shafts Big Score" in this i am visible in one of the opening scenes taking a hook off the back of a Rearmount & climbing the Aerial & entering a smoke filled window.....both were around 1970 & paid $11.00 an hour plus free food....even though we were only on film a short time in each one we got paid at least 10 to 12 hours on both doing re takes & sitting around the set ...... it was amazing the money they spent setting things up for a shoot "The Hot Rock" they built out the front of the BKLYN Museum so when the car blew up/overturned there would be no damage to the original face of the Museum ....they used plywood complete with fake bronze letters with fake green stains dripping below them in front of the real facade "Shafts Big Score" they used a vacant bldg in Hells Kitchen & fixed up the face of it to look occupied .... in both movies that i was involved in we had 2 LTs & 12 FFs & a Pumper & a Rearmount ....a story about "Shafts Big Score" ... we met at the Dept Shops & got the 2 Rigs & proceeded to the shoot...on the way to the West Side for the Shaft sequel it was noticed that the brand new Mack Pumper had not been topped off with gas so we swung by the old Qtrs of ENG*2 RIP (later R*1)....they were out so we opened the door & proceeded to back in ....not being anyones regular Rig no one noticed that the Multiversal was pointing straight up (it go out of the Shops easily due to the high door but ENG*2 was lower) long story short the Multiversal was mounted on an aluminum diamond plate box...the box gets ripped off but the Multiversal was OK so we put it in an empty compartment & put the damaged diamond Plate box in the basement...nothing was ever heard afterwards....myself & 2 other FFs were from 108 everybody else including the 2 Officers were from different Units so the movie people decide to make the Frontpiece numbers uniform so they make up insert sized 2s out of red contact paper & cover all our original Fronts... now it is about 0200 hrs & we are done & going to return the Rigs to the Shops & we decide lets take a detour ...we go to Siegel St & arrive around 0230 hrs ....the 3 of us from 108 remain outside & the rest all with fake LAD*2 Fronts on their Helmets rush inside yelling "WTF are you guys doing in Qtrs ? we are Relocated here....there is a Fourth Alarm at one of your 1st Due Boxes w/DOAs & you did not go ?"....the young FF on Watch nearly had a heart attack thinking he screwed up.