Great Case Study of FDNY ops for non FDNY Members

Sep 7, 2020
Occasionally, on thus site and others, you will see someone question why so many FDNY units are dispatched to a job, why so many guys are standing in front of the fire building, why so many Chiefs etc. The video shot by SkylerFire and The Majesterium yesterday during a second alarm at Manhattan Box 1583 (see link to thread) captured so much in the way of demonstrating all the "Why's". This was not a showcase fire with flames blowing out windows, the roof and tower ladders slaying fire. It was a tedious ball breaking fire that involved long stretches and a shitload of overhaul to get to fire that extended up 4 floors in the "X" line of apartments.

A number of observations:

- The third and fourth due engines were apparently unavailable
- companies parked up on Broadway had a 650 foot hike to the fire building (measured with google maps). Imagine Carrying the saw back to Ladder 40 up the steep hill 650 feet away after 20 minutes of strenuous overhaul.
- the distance from the corner of 139 and Riverside, where the first two lines came off E80 and the third line came off of E 84, to the back 3 side window of the fire apartment is 242 feet on ground level, now add the additional lengths needed to go up to the 3,4,and 5 floor. The stretch to the fifth floor is easily a 350-400 foot stretch.

Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 1.20.12 PM.png
Google Maps Measurement - distance from E84 position to 3 side window at ground level not including lengths needs to get up stairwell to apartment on 5th floor

- When the videographers first arrive, there are less than a handful of members in front of the fire building. Everyone is busy busting ass in multiple apartments on multiple floors
- The main body of fire was knocked down very quickly. The members quickly discovered that the fire had gotten into the walls and was traveling upward.
- Three Chiefs on the all hands - one as IC, one as fire sector and one on floor above fire, wait not safety chief?, no Chief on the fifth Floor?, second alarm brought those Chiefs in.
- long stretches like this with many turns and corners take two engine companies to make a quick advance. three lines two engines per line that's 6 engines.
- Truck work here - tremendous. These apartments were all heavily cluttered. look at the videos and you get an idea of the manpower needs for multiple members on 4 floors and the roof to conduct ventilation, overhaul, primary searches, secondary searches etc.
- The size, construction, and layout of this building and thousands more throughout the city are unlike those in most of America. These are beyond 200 foot pre-connects, these are not your typical modern CBS block fire resistive Construction occupancies found in many jurisdictions.
- In many places around the country, this would easily have gone to a 3rd or 4th alarm due to manpower needs, and the time delay on getting the 3rd and 4th alarm units to the scene would most likely result in much greater fire spread - once it gets to the cockloft - Uh OH!
- Due to the fact that FDNY deploys a ton of assets (human and equipment) on the initial alarm, a job like this is just another day in the life of FDNY. As demonstrated in the video, radio comms were very calm, and the members did an outstanding job of quick knockdown and thoroughly opening up the structure to limit fire and smoke damage.
- Unlike many areas of the country, this is not that once in a blue moon good job that you get. This was 1/2 way through a 24 hour tour for most of the members who often had/ or will have to climb up 5-6 flights of stairs with full bunker gear and SCBA throughout the tour for gas leaks, stuck elevators, CO detectors, CFR Runs, food on stove, odors of smoke etc. ( bottom line is as the Chiefs do,,,relief and rotation so as not to grind the members down)

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Above snip from SkylerFire video - These THREE members about to stretch 400 feet from E84 to 5th Floor

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Above snip from SkylerFire video - Members in every window on every floor and the roof doing overhaul

Just some observations and random thoughts.

Thank You to Sklyler Fire and The Majesterium for the work you do and the great videos you provide. As can be seen here this is so much to take away from many of these videos even when there are not dramatic flames and catastrophe. Stay well