JAN 7th NYCFire.net Zoom Meeting - "Tools & Equipment of the past"


Staff member
Apr 24, 2007
How many of old fire service tools & equipment do you remember? Was the life net still in use when you came on the job? How about a power saw?

Our guest speaker will be Tom O’Connell is a retired Division Chief from Broward County Fl. Fire Rescue. He was born and raised in the Bronx and later relocated to Rockland County, NY, where he served as a volunteer fireman. In 1980 he moved to Florida and was appointed as a career firefighter. He was promoted to Lieutenant, Captain, Battalion Chief and eventually Division Chief. Tom is an NFA EFO graduate, a CFAI accredited CFO and holds a mavesters degree. Retired since 2021 and residing in Palm Beach County, he continues to instruct at a regional fire academy and instruct haz mat classes throughout the country. He has been a lifelong FDNY fire buff, and did extensive buffing and ride alongs in the Bronx during the late 70’s and 80’s.

Tom’s presentation “ Tools and Equipment of the Past” will actually look to facilitate group discussion as we look at photos the tools and equipment used in the 60’s through 80’s and where it has evolved to today. Tom hopes to elicit stories, input and experiences from those who used these fire service items in the past.

If you would like to attend please reach out to Atlas at Atlas@NYCFire.net for assistance.
I am planning on tuning in for Tuesday's Jan 7th Zoom Meeting.

Tom O'Connell is very knowledgeable about the fire service.

Some of you may know him as "Capttomo"
Thank you Tom "Captomo" for the EXCELLENT ZOOM Presentation you gave us last night, January 7th.

For those of us who tuned in we saw a tremendous amount of tools and apparatus changes that has occurred over the years.

There was also a wealth of information shared by many of those who joined in who contributed their thoughts on using this equipment, the changes and the members ideas.

It certainly was a learning experience for me.
Even things like the design of the buckets in the FDNY Tower Ladders, or nozzle design and their usage.
The design of apparatus over the years, etc.

Unfortunately, as I have to do with most of the NYCFIRE Zoom Meetings, I had to leave before it was over.

But THANK YOU TOM and Thank you as well to "jbendick" and "Atlas".
Thank you Tom "Captomo" for the EXCELLENT ZOOM Presentation you gave us last night, January 7th.

For those of us who tuned in we saw a tremendous amount of tools and apparatus changes that has occurred over the years.

There was also a wealth of information shared by many of those who joined in who contributed their thoughts on using this equipment, the changes and the members ideas.

It certainly was a learning experience for me.
Even things like the design of the buckets in the FDNY Tower Ladders, or nozzle design and their usage.
The design of apparatus over the years, etc.

Unfortunately, as I have to do with most of the NYCFIRE Zoom Meetings, I had to leave before it was over.

But THANK YOU TOM and Thank you as well to "jbendick" and "Atlas".
Thank you for the kind words Willie and I’m glad you enjoyed it. It was truly a group effort that brought us all to the kitchen table. Thanks to Ken, Capt John, Tom K, Ken B, Garrett, Wayne, Gordon, Dave and all the others who had so much to offer and share last night. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned quite a bit from the other members.