Jefferson County, CO, Fire and explosion at Columbine High School (with helmet cam) 2/26/25

May 11, 2022
Information from South Metro Fire on Facebook
On Wed. Feb 26, 2025 at 10:47 a.m., South Metro Fire Rescue responded to a commercial fire at Columbine High School located at 6201 S. Pierce St. in Unincorporated Jefferson County. A Jefferson County Sheriff's Office School Resource Officer reported a fire in the woodworking area of the school. At the time, the fire was contained to the sawdust area in the woodworking space and was smoldering.
When SMFR Engine 13 arrived on scene, firefighters located an exterior fire on the north side of the building in the wood dust collector. Crews checked for extension in the dust collector by pulling filters from the outside of the structure. As firefighters went through this process and introduced more oxygen to the collector, a dust explosion occurred in the ventilation system sending a forceful amount of fire into the structure and outside the structure as well. Thankfully, firefighters were wearing proper personal protective equipment (PPE) when the explosion occurred. The fire extended into the duct work of the school, so crews used roof access to stop further progress.
Columbine High School officials evacuated the school in order to keep students and faculty safe as firefighters continued operations on scene. Crews were able to gain control of the fire and ventilated the building. Classes did not resume at the high school after the evacuation from the fire today.
Investigators from SMFR’s Fire Marshal’s Office determined that the cause of this fire was due to a dust collector malfunction and a resulting dust explosion. Investigators said classes should be able to resume tomorrow, but the woodworking space will be closed off from school access until restoration can be completed.
Two firefighters sustained minor injuries and were assessed on scene. Some students were also evaluated for medical needs. No one was transported to the hospital.
Thank you to West Metro Fire Rescue, Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, Jeffco Public Schools - Colorado SMFR’s Logistics Team and Arapahoe Rescue Patrol, Inc. for your support and coordination on this incident.

Here's helmet cam video of the explosion:
South Metro Fire