this is what i found from donfdny's blog so credit him and john calderon from faj for this its from like july of o7

Among the new apparatus still in either the planning stage, having specifications being writ?ten and put out for bids, or actual bidding stage, are eight 100 foot rear mount aerials, five heavy rescues, five foam apparatus without fire pumps, and first and second pieces hazardous materials apparatus.

also Awaiting bid opening was a contract for two new collapse rescue trucks to replace the 1995 SuperVac trailer with a 2002 GMC tractor at Collapse Rescue 3 and the 1991 Mack/Saulsbury at Collapse Rescue 5.
johnmiles said:
this is what i found from donfdny's blog so credit him and john calderon from faj for this its from like july of o7

Among the new apparatus still in either the planning stage, having specifications being writ?ten and put out for bids, or actual bidding stage, are eight 100 foot rear mount aerials, five heavy rescues, five foam apparatus without fire pumps, and first and second pieces hazardous materials apparatus.

also Awaiting bid opening was a contract for two new collapse rescue trucks to replace the 1995 SuperVac trailer with a 2002 GMC tractor at Collapse Rescue 3 and the 1991 Mack/Saulsbury at Collapse Rescue 5.
This blog is over a year old, you'd think by now the bidding process would've been completed and all these trucks on order.  The pumpers mention are already starting to arrive and the boats are on order.  I'll search the NYC purchasing system when I get a chance.
Bulldog said:
johnmiles said:
this is what i found from donfdny's blog so credit him and john calderon from faj for this its from like july of o7

Among the new apparatus still in either the planning stage, having specifications being writ?ten and put out for bids, or actual bidding stage, are eight 100 foot rear mount aerials, five heavy rescues, five foam apparatus without fire pumps, and first and second pieces hazardous materials apparatus.

also Awaiting bid opening was a contract for two new collapse rescue trucks to replace the 1995 SuperVac trailer with a 2002 GMC tractor at Collapse Rescue 3 and the 1991 Mack/Saulsbury at Collapse Rescue 5.
This blog is over a year old, you'd think by now the bidding process would've been completed and all these trucks on order.  The pumpers mention are already starting to arrive and the boats are on order.  I'll search the NYC purchasing system when I get a chance.

i know but i was just trying to point out the article that i found the info,so no one would think people are making stuff up ;D
are the member's at Rescue-1 happy with the Pierce? Ive been hearing it has been OOS in the shop more then it's in service.
bhff22 said:
are the member's at Rescue-1 happy with the Pierce? Ive been hearing it has been OOS in the shop more then it's in service.
there real happy with the truck
bhff22 said:
are the member's at Rescue-1 happy with the Pierce? Ive been hearing it has been OOS in the shop more then it's in service.
See the top post on this page.  Most of its OOS time has been due to an accident and the R1 guys love the rig.  
I understand they just got the rig back. It was OOS for a long stretch.
I work for Time Warner Cable and right next door to our facility on Paidge Ave and Provost Street is the FDNY annex, and a few times I've seen a Pierce in there. Anyone know who it belongs to, if it's not R1?
e203BCVFD said:
I work for Time Warner Cable and right next door to our facility on Paidge Ave and Provost Street is the FDNY annex, and a few times I've seen a Pierce in there. Anyone know who it belongs to, if it's not R1?

what kind of truck is it? Engine, Ladder, Rescue, ect.

If its a ladder its probably the one used on the show "Rescue Me"
RPM3311 said:
e203BCVFD said:
I work for Time Warner Cable and right next door to our facility on Paidge Ave and Provost Street is the FDNY annex, and a few times I've seen a Pierce in there. Anyone know who it belongs to, if it's not R1?

what kind of truck is it? Engine, Ladder, Rescue, ect.

If its a ladder its probably the one used on the show "Rescue Me"

The Rescue Me Pierce was in service in Miami last I checked.
it looks like a Rescue, I didn't see any boom or anything on it that made it look like a truck company.