Riis Park, Queens, NY, 6/25/10
Location: beachfront south of Davis Rd. @ approx. Beach 168 st
10:58 hours
PD Box 1446 - Unknown condition
Engs. 329, 268, 266
L137, TL121
Battalion 47
Marine 3
Unable to determine any further from PD.
11:00 hours
E329: Be advised there's a PD helicopter over the location, we can't get in contact with them.
Battalion 47: Notify PD to switch over to TAC U.
11:03 hours
Marine 3: Be advised it looks like PD is on the ocean side. Have all companies respond to the ocean side.
E329: We've checked the Bay side, there is nothing going on here, we're heading over to the ocean side.
L137: We're 10-84 at the ocean side, PD ESU is on scene, we'll ascertain what we have.
11:07 hours
L137: Be advised PD ESU got a hit off their RAD meters.
BC47: Have all units remain on scene, we'll be 10-84 shortly.
Squad 270 (HazTec), HazMat 1, HazMat Battalion S/C
11:10 hours
BC47: At this time have E265 respond with TL121's second piece. PD ESU had hits on their RAD meters, TL121 is trying to confirm the readings now.
E265 w/ SSL121 S/C
11:15 hours
BC47: Right now we are using 2 and 2 with PD ESU, TL121 and Squad 270 are getting readings of approximately 30 micro REMS on their meters. Units will be 10-99.
E266 is 10-8
11:28 hours
BC47: Progress report: we are continuing to monitor the area for readings with TL121 and Squad 270, awaiting the arrival of HazMat.
11:38 hours
BC47: Progress report: at this time TL121, Squad 270, and PD ESU are performing a grid search to locate the hotspots.
11:53 hours
BC47: At Box 1446, after consultation with HazMat we have determined the readings to be normal background readings. All units will go 10-8 as they become available, they will take time to decon. Make this a 10-80 no code.