Site Rules

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Mar 5, 2007
Due to a recent issue, the owner and administrator of this site, in order to keep in good graces and to avoid any controversy, feel it is necessary to repost a few simple rules. We may add some things to this in the future if needed.

1) No reporting of any LODDs, member names, or companies, shall be posted until the Four 5s or official announcement from any department, New York City or elsewhere.

2) No names or companies of injured members shall be posted until official notification due to the amount of family members on this site.

3) Members shall refrain from any negative comments regarding any member or department. Each department has it's own set of SOPs and guidelines.

4) Refrain from any discussion of political views, any discussion should be done using private messaging

By using common sense and adhering to these simple rules, we can continue to have a successful and educational site.
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