1/17/12 Brooklyn Box 751 - 4th Alarm

Nov 27, 2007
Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY, 1/17/12

Address: 368 Himrod St between Wyckoff and St Nicholas Aves

08:22 hours
Box 751
Engs. 271, 277, 218
TL124, L112
Battalion 37

08:22 hours
Battalion 28 available replacing Battalion 37

10-75-751 - 08:22 hours
TL124: 10-75 the Box, 3 story frame, 1st floor
L140 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 37
Division 11
Squad 252
Rescue 2

7-5-751 - 08:24 hours
E237, L176 S/C

2-2-751 - 08:26 hours
Engs. 206, 222, 217
E207 w/ Satellite 6
Battalion 35 (Safety Officer)
Battalion 57 (Resource Unit Leader)
Safety, Rescue Battalions
Tactical Support 1
FieldCom 1,  Command Tactical Unit
Car 7 (DAC James Leonard, Brooklyn Borough Commander)

08:26 hours
Receiving report of people on the rear fire escapes.

08:27 hours - Duration 7 minutes
Battalion 28: We have fire on the 2nd extended to the 3rd floor, 3 story row frame 20x40 multiple dwelling, occupied.  1 line stretched in operation, 2nd line being stretched, primary search being conducted, trucks are opening up, we have 2 10-45s at this moment.  Exposure 1 is a street, exposure 2 is a similar attached, exposure 3 is a rear yard, exposure 4 is a 1-story commercial bodega-type building.

08:30 hours
The staging area is Bleecker St and Wyckoff Ave

08:32 hours
Car 17 (BC Michael F. Gala Jr., Chief of Personnel)  is responding

08:46 hours - Duration 25 minutes
Division 11: Box 751, we have 3 lines stretched, 3 in operation, we have heavy fire on the 2nd and 3rd floors.  124 opening up from the bucket on the 3rd floor.

08:48 hours - Duration 27 minutes
FieldCom: Progress Report on Box 751, Division 11 reports 3 lines stretched and in operation, we have heavy fire still on the 2nd and 3rd floors and the cockloft.  Members have been removed from the 3rd floor and the roof and they have a tower ladder operating on the 3rd floor.  Fire is still Doubtful, k.

3-3-751 - 08:53 hours
Engs. 233, 214, 216, 286
L103 acting 112, TL111
Battalion 44
Battalion 51 (Staging Manager)
Battalion 33 (Air Recon Chief)
Mask Service Unit

08:57 hours
E286 was involved in an MVA and is unable to respond, E227 assigned.

09:01 hours
Car 23 (Press Officer) is responding

09:08 hours
L108, TL146 S/C

09:14 hours - Duration 54 minutes
FC: Progress Report on the 3rd Alarm Box 751, at this time Car 7, DAC Leonard reports: he has 5 lines stretched and in operation, searches are in progress, the main body of fire has been knocked down.  The primary searches of exposure 2 are complete and negative, and the 2 previously reported 10-45s are both code 4 (Green Tag, Minor).  He places the fire Probably Will Hold and would like to special call 1 additional Battalion Chief for relief.
Battalion 48 acting 35 S/C

09:20 hours
FC: At Box 751, Car 7 is going to close down the staging area.  Any further units can respond directly to the Command Post.

09:28 hours - Duration 1 hour 7 minutes
FC: Box 751, can you special call 2 additional trucks.  Also we have the exposures: exposure 1 is a street, exposure 2 is a similar attached, exposure 3 is a rear yard, exposure 4 is a 1-story attached
L102, T104 S/C

09:39 hours - Duration 1 hour 18 minutes
FC: Progress Report on the 3rd Alarm Box 751, at this time Car 7, DAC Leonard reports: he has 5 lines stretched, main body of fire has been knocked down, trucks are opening up and extinguishing pockets of fire, primaries in fire building are complete and negative.  The unconscious male reported on the 1st floor is now accounted for.  Secondary searches are delayed due to heavy debris.  There was slight extension to exposure 4 which is 183 Wyckoff, that's been extinguished.  Fire remains Probably Will Hold.

4-4-751 - 09:46 hours - Duration 1 hour 26 minutes
FC: At Box 751, by orders of Car 7, DAC Leonard, transmit a 4th Alarm for relief purposes.  He would like the engines only, and places the fire Under Control.
Engs. 230, 299 acting 286, 229, 235

09:51 hours
FC: Car 7 would like to request Buildings Dept. to check the stability of the building, and make sure utilities are responding.  Also transmit a 10-41 code 1 for heavy fire on arrival.  Also notify incoming units that the rear fire escape has been compromised and is not to be used.

09:51 hours
FC: Car 7 would like to request Buildings Dept. to check the stability of the building, and make sure utilities are responding.  Also transmit a 10-41 code 1 (Suspicious Fire, Occupied Structure) for heavy fire on arrival.  Also notify incoming units that the rear fire escape has been compromised and is not to be used.

09:57 hours
FC: At Box 751, Car 7 reports that primary and secondary searches throughout the fire building are complete and negative.

10:10 hours
FC: At Box 751 we have an updated 10-45 count: it's going to be 3 10-45 code 4s and 1 10-45 code 3 (Yellow Tag, Delayed)

Engines: 33/211, 16/216, 220/222, 298/227, 255/233, 228/235, 332/277, 299/286
Ladders: 11/108, 131/111, 103/112, 151/112
Battalions: 48/35, 2/35
Jul 14, 2007
Should be E 271/L124's home box.

Also need  correction on who gave the 10-75: probably L 124 or L 112; not L 122.
Nov 27, 2008
Courtesy of ExChief 84:

Brooklyn, N. Y. 01/17/12 @ 08:30 hrs.
Bushwick Section

Box 751
address: 368 Himrod St.
between: Saint Nicholas Ave. & Wyckoff Ave.

751 @ 08:20
Engs. 271, 277, 218
T. Lad. 124, Lad. 112
Batt. 37 s/c

"TowerLadder 124 to Brooklyn, Urgent, Ten Seventy Five the Box!
Fire 1st floor of a 3 Story frame"

10 ? 75 ? 751 @ 08:23
Ladder 140 is designated as the "FAST" Truck
Eng. 291
Rescue Co. #2
Squad Co. #252
Batt. 28 assigned from another run.
Division 11

Fire Building:
3 Story Frame 20 x 40 O.M.D.
Surrounding Properties:
Exp. #1: Is a Street
Exp. #2: Is a Similar Type attach
Exp. #3: Is a Rear Yard
Exp. #4: Is a 1 Story "Bodega" attach ( Market )

All ? Hands:
7 ? 5 ? 751 @ 08:24
Batt. 37 reports: 751, All ? Hands on arrival. Extra Engine &
Heavy fire in a 3 Story frame attached.
Eng. 237 & Ladder 176 are assigned

2nd Alarm:
2 ? 2 ? 751 @ 08:26
Engs. 206, 222, 217
T. Lad. 135
Eng. 207 w / Satellite 6
Batt. 35 "Safety Officer"
Batt. 57 "Resource Unit Leader"
Rescue Battalion / Safety Battalion
Fieldcom 1 / Tactical Support Unit #1
Car 7: Chief James Leonard ( Brooklyn Boro Commander )

@ 08:27
Batt. 37 reports: Box 751, We have heavy fire on the 2nd floor
extended to the 3rd floor of a
3 Story row frame occupied multiple dwelling. 1 ? line stretched
and in operation. 2nd line being
stretched. Trucks are "Opening Up" We have ( 2 ) 10-45's No
Code at this time.

@ 08:48
Fieldcom 1: Progress Report for the 2nd Alarm, Box 751, Division
11 reports:
3 ? lines stretched and in operation. Heavy fire 2nd & 3rd
floors and Cockloft.
Members removed from the 3rd floor and roof. We have 124's bucket
up and operating.
Still Doubtful.

@ 08:53
Fieldcom 1: By orders of Car 7, Transmit a 3rd Alarm

3rd Alarm:
3 ? 3 ? 751 @ 08:53
Engs. 233, 214, 216, 286*
Lad. 103 act. 112, T. Lad. 111
Batt. 44
Batt. 51 "Staging Manager"
Batt. 33 "Air Re-Con Chief"
Mask Service Unit #1
Staging Area: Bleecker St. & Wyckoff Ave.
* Eng. 286 involved in M.V.A. in Queens, Eng. 227 assigned

@ 09:09
Fieldcom 1: Special Call ( 2 ) additional Truck Co's.
Ladder 108 & TowerLadder 146 assigned

@ 09:14
Fieldcom 1: Progress Report for the 3rd Alarm, Box 751, Car 7,
Chief Leonard reports:
5 ? lines stretched and in operation. Searches are in progress.
Main body of fire has
been knocked down. Primary Searches in Exp. #2 are complete and
The previous mentioned 10-45's are Code 4's. Place's this fire
at Probably Will Hold.
Special Call an additional Battalion Chief for "relief"
Batt. 48 acting Batt. 35 assigned

@ 09:28
Fieldcom 1: Special Call ( 2 ) additional Truck Co's.
Ladder 102 & Ladder 104 assigned

@ 09:39
Fieldcom 1: Progress Report for the 3rd Alarm, Box 751, Car 7,
Chief Leonard reports:
5 ? lines stretched and in operation. Main body of fire has been
knocked down.
Still extinguishing pockets of fire. Primary Searches thru out the
Fire Bldg. are complete
and negative. We had a report of a missing civilian, but has been
accounted for.
Secondary Searches are delayed due to heavy debri. We had slight
extension to Exp. #4.
That fire has been extinguished. Fire still at Probably Will

@ 09:46
Fieldcom 1: By orders of Car 7, Chief Leonard, Transmit a 4th
Alarm for "relief"
Engines only, No other Special Units. Place's this Fire

4th Alarm:
4 ? 4 ? 751 @ 09:46
Engs. 230, 299 act. 286, 229, 235

( Job Duration: 1 hr. / 26 mins. )

@ 09:57
Fieldcom 1: Box 751, Car 7, Chief Leonard reports:
Secondary Searches in the Fire Bldg. & Exp. #2 are complete and

@ 10:10
Fieldcom 1: Box 751, We have an up-date on the 10-45's.
We have a total of 4, ( 3 ) Code 4's, ( 1 ) Code 3.

Jan 16, 2009
Gene,  we might  go to that box on the fifth but even that I would doubt.  we respond into upper  Ridgewood  { Forest Ave,  Fairview Ave } on the 2 alarm to some boxes, but from past jobs in that area I would have to say we won't go.
Nov 9, 2008
Lone319Wolf said:
Gene,  we might  go to that box on the fifth but even that I would doubt.  we respond into upper  Ridgewood  { Forest Ave,  Fairview Ave } on the 2 alarm to some boxes, but from past jobs in that area I would have to say we won't go.

Thanks Lonewolf - it's interesting how some of this works out - you're certainly close enough - pretty funny that E299/E286 gets in there

Nov 16, 2010
Lone319Wolf said:
Gene,  we might  go to that box on the fifth but even that I would doubt.  we respond into upper  Ridgewood  { Forest Ave,  Fairview Ave } on the 2 alarm to some boxes, but from past jobs in that area I would have to say we won't go.

319 is assigned 4th due on the 4th Alarm for Box 751
Jan 16, 2009
efd274............On the map it looks to be not that far.  If you look at all the engine companys that responded from the 1st thru 4th alarms, there are a total of 9 single engine companys that are assigned. That is the area of nowhere land for truck companys. The 10-75 and 2nd alarm trucks are from queens. If TL 124 & L 112 catch a job anywhere in that area they are by themselfs for a while. On the third alarm 103 act 112 was assigned.along with 111. As stated before by other members and I totally agree with them, there is a big shortage of truck companys for the upper Bushwick , lower Ridgewood border.
Nov 9, 2008
Lone319Wolf said:
efd274............On the map it looks to be not that far.  If you look at all the engine companys that responded from the 1st thru 4th alarms, there are a total of 9 single engine companys that are assigned. That is the area of nowhere land for truck companys. The 10-75 and 2nd alarm trucks are from queens. If TL 124 & L 112 catch a job anywhere in that area they are by themselfs for a while. On the third alarm 103 act 112 was assigned.along with 111. As stated before by other members and I totally agree with them, there is a big shortage of truck companys for the upper Bushwick , lower Ridgewood border.

Thanks lonewolf - you are right about the distribution of Engines and Trucks for this area
Nov 9, 2008
A five alarm fire in Rego Park as well - over a year ago - same day as the 5 alarm fire in Bayside with the welders on the roof