75-2297 on 2/19

Jul 14, 2007
Batt. 58 transmits 10-75-2297 @ 1717 for fire in the basement at 1418 East 84 Street at Avenue N, Canarsie Section of Brooklyn.

Engines 257, 310, 323  Ladders 170, 174  Batt. 58
Engine 283, Squad 252, Rescue 2, Ladder 159 fast truck, Batt. 44, Div. 15

@1718: 75-2297: Batt. 58 reports using all hands; requests extra engine and truck.  Engine 309 and Ladder 157 s/c.
Fire in a 3 story brick 20 x 40, one line stretched and operating, second line being stretched, trucks opening up, fire is doubtful.  Fire on the 1st floor.
Exposures: 1- street, 2- similar attached, 3- yard, 4- similar attached.

@1721: Batt. 58: main body of fire knocked down, primary on floor above is negative.

@1724: Batt. 58: primary search of fire floor and top floor are negative.

@1731: Div. 15: secondary searches in progress, fire is probably will hold.  Fire duration is 21 minutes.

@1739: Div. 15: secondary search of second and third floor complete and negative, secondary on the fire floor still in progress.

@1742: Div. 15: secondary search of fire floor is negative, secondary search of exposure 2 and 4 is negative, fire under control.  Transmit 10-41 code 1.

Relocations: Ladder 149 to Ladder 159.  Ladder 105 to Ladder 157.