Alarm Boxes, is it time to get rid of them??

Jun 2, 2009
Would an event like Sandy be used as a reason why we need to still have alarm boxes in the 21st century? I know in NJ I had no AT&T cell service for 5 days and then minimal spotty service for the following week. I couldn't even make a call to 911 a lot of the times. Landlines took a beating as well and were unreliable until power issues were resolved, which for me was 10 days after.

It truly makes me wonder how call boxes withstood the storm and IF the city will be changing their mind about these things.
May 6, 2010
W/the current status of phone service (overloads ...bad reception etc) Fire Alarm Boxes would certainly still be an asset....the city however has other priorities regarding how to spend our $$.
May 6, 2010
I wonder if any of the hacks in NYC that claim over & over that so many people have cell phones that we do not need the Alarm Boxes paid any attention to the fact that as soon as the bombings ocurred in Boston the authorities had cell tower service shut down to prevent possible use to activate more devices....even if not shut down an incident of this magnitude would probably overwelm the service...look at 9-11...the 2010 tornados ...minor earthquakes...PO Pete Figoski's LOD Funeral ....Hurricane Sandy just to name a few....speaking of the tornados of 2010...numerous boxes still out in QNS from it....however on the upside they still send workers out to put a new coat of paint on many...WTF
