Bridgeport, CT 2d Alarm on arrival

Dec 6, 2007
Approx 1830hrs, Signal 29, Report of a structure fire at 370 Olive St. (That’s west side, down in “The Hollow” for those unfamiliar with the city.)

E3, 4, 1, 7RIT
L5, 11, R5
BN 1, S0

E3 to Bridgeport...”4 storey wood frame, heavy fire 3d and 4th Floors rear”

“L5 to Battalion 1, recommend a 2d Alarm, this is really rockin’.”

E7 put to work, E 6 assigned as new RIT. “ all 2d alarm companies report to the command post ready to work.”

Details to follow, film at 11.
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