Rescue and Hazmat both have aides. They are also trained to that level.
Rescue Battalion FF is a Rescue Trained FF
Hazmat Battalion FF is a Hazmat Tech
"Does FDNY EMS have battalion chiefs? Also do they have the same safety officer."
Most EMS units do not have Aides. Safety Officer can be anyone, they don't designate units at Dispatch its done on scene.
EMS Runs the following command staff on a tour.
EMS Lt in a SUV with no Aide. Called a Conditions Car. Such as Conditions 8. The number is the Battalion the unit operates in.
EMS Division Captain with no Aide. Called Division X Captain on the Air.
No Battalion Chief. EMS Captains run the Battalions.
EMS Deputy Chief. Go by Car numbers. Car 5XX 5 is for EMS 2nd Digit for Division and 3rd for unit. So 511 is EMS Division 1 Deputy Chief
EMS Division Chief. Car 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
1 Star