hospital numbers



when fdny ems generally transports someone the would say were transporting patient to hospital 14. does anyone have the list of which hospital is what


Staff member
Dec 20, 2006
Manhattan Ambulance Destinations
01 N.Y. Downtown
02 Bellevue 
03 Beth Israel 
04 Beth Israel North (Closed)
05 Manhattan Eye & Ear 
07 Harlem Hospital 
08 Sloan Kettering Ctr. 
09 North General Hosp.
10 Manhattan VA non-911
11 Lenox Hill Hospital 
12 Metropolitan 
13 Mount Sinai 
14 N.Y. Hospital
15 N.Y.U. Hospital
16 Allen pavillion
17 N.Y. Presbyterian
18 Roosevelt Hosp
19 St. Vincents Midtown 
20 St. Lukes Hosp.
21 St. Vincents
61 NY Eye & Ear
63 Cabrini Med Center

Bronx Ambulance Destinations
22  Albert Einstein 
23  Bronx Lebanon(concourse) 
24  Bronx Lebanon (Fulton) 
25  Jacobi 
26  Bronx VA (Non-911) 
27  Lincoln 
29  Montefiore 
70  North Central Bronx 
28  Our Lady Of Mercy 
81  OLMC (Durso Pavilion) non-911 
83  St. Barnabas 
88  Westchester Square 

Staten Island Ambulance Destinations
64  Doctors (No Longer 911) 
65  Bayley Seton 
62  Si. North 
59  Si. South 
60  St. Vincent's

Brooklyn Ambulance Destinations
41  Brookdale Univ 
95  Brooklyn 
91  Caledonian 
90  BK VA Non-911 
42  Coney Island 
44  Univ Hosp of BK 
55  St. Johns 
47  Kingsbrook 
48  Kings County 
93  BI Kings Highway 
49  LI College 
51  Lutheran 
53  Maimonides 
92  NY Community Hosp 
54  NY Methodist 
56  St. marys (CLOSED)
94  Victory Memorial 
45  Woodhull 
58  Wyckoff 

Queens Ambulance Destinations
36  Mary Immaculate 
32  Elmhurst 
33  Flushing 
34 Jamaica
35  North Shore Univ LIJ 
31  NYH Queens 
77  North Shore Forest 
79  Parkway 
37  Peninsula 
38  Queens 
39  St. Johns Queens 
40  St. johns Episcopal 
76  St. Joseph's (Closed)
71  Mt. Sinai Queens 

Long Island
74  Franklin 
82  Nassau County 
78  North Shore Univ Manhasset
66  St. Francis 
67  Winthrop 

Westchester County
99 Lawrence
89 Mt. Vernon
80 Sound Shore 
97 St. Johns 
96 St. Joseph's
30 Westchester MED
Apr 1, 2007
I noticed that not all hospitals are listed; for example, on Long Island neither Mercy nor South Nassau Communities is on the list.  Is this because they lack an ER, don't accept ambulances, or some other reason? ???


Staff member
Dec 20, 2006
The long Island Hospital's you are asking about might be too far from the city.  They might not transport or allow transport to them.  You will notice that not all Westchester Hospitals are listed as well.