Rundown of units at 9-11

Which Squad didn't go?
I don't got a answer for that. I already know it wasn't SQ8 cause they weren't a thing yet. Could have got it wrong, some sources say 6, some say 7 went. Can't find anything thats actually offical though.
Obviously every SOC unit got there eventually, but being the furthest squad from the scene, SQ270 was not on the initial assignments to the WTC site. They did get there, after the collapse, as recounted by Chief (then Captain) Lafemina in the link below. Also attached is a chart from the McKinsey post-9/11 report which details total number of units of specific types and how many were assigned to the WTC.

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Obviously every SOC unit got there eventually, but being the furthest squad from the scene, SQ270 was not on the initial assignments to the WTC site. They did get there, after the collapse, as recounted by Chief (then Captain) Lafemina in the link below. Also attached is a chart from the McKinsey post-9/11 report which details total number of units of specific types and how many were assigned to the WTC.

View attachment 35049
Great Info Thank You
Obviously every SOC unit got there eventually, but being the furthest squad from the scene, SQ270 was not on the initial assignments to the WTC site. They did get there, after the collapse, as recounted by Chief (then Captain) Lafemina in the link below. Also attached is a chart from the McKinsey post-9/11 report which details total number of units of specific types and how many were assigned to the WTC.

View attachment 35049
So what Squad didn't go??
Nvm, found it, SQ270 didn't go till the Recall. They got a call to a bombing at a LIRR Station. Flase Alarm
Which Squad didn't go?
Looks like all besides for 270. Although I cannot find any photos of Squad 61 down there. Somebody here probably knows better if Squad 61 was there or where specifically. I might be able to locate photos if I get further info. Below are all other Squads. Squad 1 I know a better pre collapse photo of the rig exists I just can't find where I have it saved, same with 252's spare. SQ-1 Parked close to the Corner of West & Liberty with R2, Sq-18 was on West Street parked under the North Pedestrian Bridge which came down and crushed the rig when Tower 1 Fell parked next to R1 and 2nd Alarm Companies, SQ-41 was parked on Broadway, SQ-252 spare parked next to Century 21 building shortly after the second plane hit after 9? SQ-270 seen late in the afternoon at the staging area for all Apparatus on West Street, SQ-288 seen later in the afternoon on Fulton Street with WTC 5 on fire.


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Looks like all besides for 270. Although I cannot find any photos of Squad 61 down there. Somebody here probably knows better if Squad 61 was there or where specifically. I might be able to locate photos if I get further info. Below are all other Squads. Squad 1 I know a better pre collapse photo of the rig exists I just can't find where I have it saved, same with 252's spare. SQ-1 Parked close to the Corner of West & Liberty with R2, Sq-18 was on West Street parked under the North Pedestrian Bridge which came down and crushed the rig when Tower 1 Fell parked next to R1 and 2nd Alarm Companies, SQ-41 was parked on Broadway, SQ-252 spare parked next to Century 21 building shortly after the second plane hit after 9? SQ-270 seen late in the afternoon at the staging area for all Apparatus on West Street, SQ-288 seen later in the afternoon on Fulton Street with WTC 5 on fire.
I just checked, every Squad lost someone besides 61 and 270. But SQ61 should have definitley been on one of the first half of the 27 alarms. 270 only went cause of the Collaspe, due to them being the easternmost SQ in the City.
At approximately 1030, Squad 61 was special called to Box 55-9998.
Squad 270 was special called to Box 55-8087 at approximately 1100.
Personally, I'd be careful with the use of the word never. Lots of things have happened that were "never" going to happen.
I very much agree with your statement!

I’m not criticizing, but I have read absolutes such as, “Squad 8 will never leave Staten Island” or “Engine 70, Ladder 53 will never leave City Island”. Granted those may be the LAST, BOTTOM RUNG moves, but in a pinch any and all units and personnel are eligible.
Did 70/53 respond on 9/11
I don’t know the answer to that one. If I had to guess, I would say probably not initially. If they were rotated through, they probably sent cover pieces there first.

Ladder 31 in the South Bronx stayed put. A Westchester County engine from Banksville was assigned to that station. The boss on Ladder 31 went over how they would work together. They were there for at least 12 hours and went on a few calls together, no workers. I know one of the guys who was on the Banksville engine and he said the guys on Ladder 31 were nice guys… and that was even with them knowing they lost many firefighters that day.
squad 270 and squad 61 where the only SOC units not decimated as 3 of the 5 rescues lost captains . rescue 4 was the only rescue rig to escape unharmed and for a bit of time was the only functional rescue company
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I've been working on a 9/11 piece for the fireboat website for some time now, and part of it has turned into a side project trying to build a map of where responding units were parked on arrival and then when Tower #2 collapsed. Siting the destroyed rigs is fairly straightforward since there are ample pics of the post-collapse hellscape and wrecked apparatus, but those that were just damaged or made it through unscathed has been much more challenging.

As part of both projects I've come across a pretty good collection of pics and videos which have helped to breakdown who went where but its still a long way from what I would call "finalized". The most helpful resource I've found thusfar is the post-accident interviews with members who were there, which is publicly available here:

Fair word of warning for those who have not read any of those interviews, some are pretty difficult to get through.
squad 270 and squad 61 where the only SOC units not decimated as 3 of the 5 rescues lost captains . rescue 4 was the only rescue rig to escape unharmed and for a bit of time was the only functional rescue company
Didn't R3 and R5 make it out? I'm referring to Appratus, though I do know R1 and R5 lost majority of there Crew. I do know R2 and R1 Appratus was wrecked thuough.
Didn't R3 and R5 make it out? I'm referring to Appratus, though I do know R1 and R5 lost majority of there Crew. I do know R2 and R1 Appratus was wrecked thuough.
I don't know how true this is but, "allegedly" when crews were moving debris off west street in the early hours and couple of days after the attack they accidently damaged Rescue 2's rig which is why it was sent to freshkills and not repaired. 3-5 Hme's were in service until all 5 were ultimately replaced by the 2002 E-One/Saulsbury Rescue Rigs.
here's a list i made of units responded on 9/11 can't say definite accurate as there is a lot of places to look for info this is a partial list . sources include the transcripts of Manhattan dispatch videos of companys responding , pictures .... this will be edited as time goes on . if there any mistakes or additions you want me to add just let me know. words in strike thru and italics means lost a rig . bold means lost a member
5-5 box 8087 the box in 2 world trade center this box was used instead of box 8084 which is 1 world trade center
E010 E006 E004 E024 E007 E055 E003 E016 E015 E028, E202 E204, E210 E009T ST1 E034 E065 E207T ST6 E021 E054 E005 E033 E226 E001 E263
L010 L001 L008 L015 L005 L003 L006 L009 L018 L020 L101 L110 L037 ACT 9 L079 ACT 131 L107 ACT 105 L117 ACT 3 L154 ACT 6L165 ACT 18
B001 B002 BC04 BC06 BC07 (operated in tower 2) BC08 BC09 (operated in tower 2) BC11( operated tower 1) BC31
DC01, DC11 (acting DC)
RB001 SB01

MK01 MK04
RS01 RS02
RS04 (operated in tower 2) RS03w/ RC01 (operated in tower 2) RS05W/ 2nd piece
SQ018w/ 2nd piece SQ288 (operated in tower 2 )
CAR 40B 40A 04D 9S 3A 3 4 5 4B 40C 9 3C 4C 4A
5-5 BOX 9998 for 8087 2 world trade center
E076 E211 E044 E022 E053 E040 E221 E023 E209 E212 E279 E230 E229 E235 E216 E217 E238 E214 E220 E74 E47 E58 E91
L004 L105 L011 L132 L035 L016 L002 L013 L012 L118 L007 L024 L022 L025 L021 L015 (L22 only truck not to lose anybody at this box )

BC07 (came over to tower 2 ) BC09 (came over to tower 2) BC10 BC11(assigned to tower 2 operated in tower 1 ) BC12
SQ252w/ 2nd piece
SQ041 SQ288 (came over to tower 2 )
box 0050 west street and Albany 2-2
E240 E201 E249 E278 E281 E228 ACT 205 E219 E280 E059 E093 E159T ST5 E324T ST4
L102 L119 L114 L113 L043 L116
BC32 (acting BC) BC41 BC42
5-5 BOX 2033 vesey street 100' west of west street
E258 E259 E325 E262 E312 E261 E260 E068 E035 E050 E064 E094 E083 ACT 35 E084 ACT 16 E231 ACT 24 E294 E305 ACT 3 E307 ACT 5 E310 ACT 55
L128 L115 L116 L135 ACT 5 L136 L138 L163
BC38 BC39 BC 45 BC46 BC49
box 0320 Brooklyn Bridge
E152 E160 E227 E241 ACT 224 E246 ACT 235 E276 ACT 211 E282 ACT 204 E284 ACT 207
L78 L148
Brooklyn BOX 1377 Hamilton AVE and the Brooklyn Battery Tunnle
E202 E204 E210 E318 ACT 279 E165 E206T F206 E224 E239 E247 ACT 240 E248 E277 E280 E290
L101 L102 L104 L105 L107 ACT 105 L113 L114 L122 L131 L132 L149 L153 L161
BC37 BC40 BC48 BC58
Brooklyn box 9031 Respond to Manhattan via the Brooklyn bridge
staten island box 8000 ST George ferry terminal
E155 E156 E157 E162 E164 E166
L083 L084 L085
unknown box assignment
E274 E309 ACT 33 , E289 E521 E236 ACT 15 HR2 L124 ACT 5 , L014 L146 L149 L161 L109 L058 ACT 20 FT1 F212 RA5 MR4 MR6A DC6 ACT 1 ,MB, SQ061 SQ270 DC15 L131 MK02 E026
E318 ACT 279
E251 ACT 259
E317 ACT 207
E246 ACT 235
E309 ACT 33
E307 ACT 5
E282 ACT 204
E284 ACT 207
E247 ACT 240
E276 ACT 211
E241 ACT 224
E231 ACT 24

E081 ACT 54
E331 ACT 21
E071 ACT
E228 ACT 205
E083 ACT 35
E043 ACT 44
E082 ACT 58
E310 ACT 55

E286 ACT 10
E305 ACT 3

E218 ACT 55
E045 ACTING 35
E236 ACTING 15
E084 ACT 16
L079 ACT 131
L165 ACT 18
L154 ACT 6
L117 ACT 3
L107 ACT 105

L037 ACT 9
L058 ACT 20
L042 ACT 25
L017 ACT 15
L047 ACT 6
L142 ACT 1
L019 ACT 16
L124 ACT 5
L135 ACT 5

L059 ACT 10
L014 ACT 24
L023 ACT 4
L146 ACT 11
L046 ACT 2
L048 ACT
B26 ACT 7
DC06 ACT 1
SQ041 ACT 18
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