Hurricane Helene Response

Apr 1, 2007
From the Virginia Beach FD's Facebook page: (Four Newport News FD personnel are among those deployed to assist with response to Helene.)
And they're off...Eighty members of Virginia Task Force 2 were activated at 1200 hours on Tuesday, 2024, as a Type 1 Team, in response to Tropical Storm Helene. The team departed from the Harry E. Diezel Fire Training Center, at 1830 hours, and are expected to arrive in Orlando, Florida, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024, before 1700 hours.
Eight members, part of the Blue Incident Support Team (IST) 8, left earlier Monday where they will rendezvous with FEMA IST in Florida and assist local agencies with requests for assistance as needed

I'm curious how some of these teams are being deployed as I don't believe VT TF-1 or TN TF-2 are FEMA teams.
I believe you, more so legitimately curious how they fold into the FEMA system
I'm not really sure, except that they are part of the multi-state alliance, so they must be available for FEMA calls and to operate under FEMA orders. I know that VT TF-1 has deployed swiftwater teams for other hurricanes in recent years.
I'm curious how some of these teams are being deployed as I don't believe VT TF-1 or TN TF-2 are FEMA teams.
TN was requested from state of Florida under the EMAC, ( Emergency Management Assistance Compact), not sure what that is exactly,
Deployed as a Type 1 swift water rescue team..
From the Virginia Beach FD's Facebook page: (Four Newport News FD personnel are among those deployed to assist with response to Helene.)
And they're off...Eighty members of Virginia Task Force 2 were activated at 1200 hours on Tuesday, 2024, as a Type 1 Team, in response to Tropical Storm Helene. The team departed from the Harry E. Diezel Fire Training Center, at 1830 hours, and are expected to arrive in Orlando, Florida, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024, before 1700 hours.
Eight members, part of the Blue Incident Support Team (IST) 8, left earlier Monday where they will rendezvous with FEMA IST in Florida and assist local agencies with requests for assistance as needed

I'm curious how some of these teams are being deployed as I don't believe VT TF-1 or TN TF-2 are FEMA teams.
My eyes went wide when I saw Vermont ! Didn’t know they they were one of the FEMA team. Could it be a state team that was temporarily federalized ?
Any state team like Vermont deploys under EMAC. Under EMAC a State puts out a request for resources and States submit if they have that asset available for response with related costs. They are not temporarily federalized.
Any state team like Vermont deploys under EMAC. Under EMAC a State puts out a request for resources and States submit if they have that asset available for response with related costs. They are not temporarily federalized.
Thank you for the info and clarification. Stay safe
"At 3AM this morning, 46 members of New York-Task Force 1 were activated and deployed by FEMA as a Type III Urban Search and Rescue team comprised of NYPD, FDNY and NYCEM personnel to support operations responding to Hurricane Helene. New York-Task Force 1 been driving through the night to reach Mill Spring, North Carolina by 6 PM today. These are the everyday heroes in the city of New York who sacrifice so much to keep people safe. As they leave their families behind to help our neighbors in the Southern states in need, let's show them our gratitude and support."

God bless those who are in Hurricane Helene's path.
Please be safe, be aware and look out for each other.
I was wondering if anyone new what the different USAR colored helmets mean? I have seen RED, Yellow, White, and Blue